
Friday, May 31, 2019

Rachel Carson :: Essays Papers

Rachel CarsonHello, my name is Rachel Lousie Carson. I was born on a farm in Springdale, daddy on May 27, 1907. My mother, Maria McLean Carson was a dedicated teacher and throughout my childhood she encouraged my interests in nature and in writing. She also encouraged me to declare my head start story A Battle in the Clouds in the St. Nicholas magazine while I was in fourth score.After graduating from Parnassus High School, I enrolled into the popCollege for Women. I major(ip)ed in English and continued to write but I also had to taketwo semesters of science, which changed my life. In my junior year I changed my major tozoology, even though science was not considered an appropriate avenue for women. After graduating college in 1928 I had earned a full one year intuition to JohnsHopkins University in Baltimore. This scholarship did not relieve me or my family of ourfinancial burdens, so I worked throughout graduate school in the genetics departmentassisting Dr. Raymond as tragal and Dr. H.S. Jennings and I worked as an assistant teacher inthe zoology department at the University of Maryland. In 1932 I received my masters inmarine zoology. I continued working part-time as a teacher after graduating to helpsupport my family through the early years of the Depression. In 1935 my father had aheart attack and passed away leaving me to provide for my mother. In 1936, my sisterMarion passed away at the age of forty leaving behind two recent daughters, and mymother encouraged me to take them in. That same year I took the civil serviceexamination necessary for promotion to full-time junior aquatic biologist. I scored higher than all the other candidates ( who were all male) and became the first female biologist ever hired by the Bureau of Fisheries whom I was employed by for sixteen years as a writer.My article entitled Undersea which had been published in the Atlantic Monthly,won praise from scientists, naturalists, and literary critics, inspiring me to write my first book. Under the Sea Wind debuted in 1941 to critical acclaim in both literary andscientific circles but sales plummeted with the bombing of Pearl Harbor. 1942 I began working for the Fish and Wildlife Service promoting fish as an alternative to foods in short supply because of the war. By 1948 I moved into an exclusively male domain, earning the grade of biologist, and becoming the editor-in-chief of the Information Division.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Character of Stanley Kowalski in Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Essay

The Character of Stanley in A trolley car Named Desire Animals are, by nature, passionately instinctive that is, when reacting to a situation, they do so forcefully and spontaneously. Therefore, we can think of passionate instinct as an intense, innate reaction to a particular situation. Animals also lack what we call inhibition -- the suppression of a natural drive, instinct or feeling. For instance, when a skunk senses danger, it will not restrain its natural, defensive reaction and will not hesitate to scatter a foul-smelling substance in the direction of the danger for self-protection. When cattle sense a threat to their environment, they do not try to rationalize their panache to safety -- they stampede. If a bulls passions are aro using upd, it will either charge or mate with the nearest cow. Passionate instinct drives us, as well. Although we a great deal try to reason our way through situations as civilized, rational beings should, there is sometimes a locate where w e can no longer be controlled by reason. This point often comes when we feel some strong emotion, and our rational halves become shadowed by our darker, instinctive sides. We often c at onceal this darker half because the instinct, which is so much a part of it, may lead to violence when released. It appears that the very idea of being command by instinct has become distasteful people who use their instincts to get through a situation are often labeled as being unpredictable, maverick, and dangerous. Although we consider ourselves to be civilized, we were once a race ruled by instinct -- and still are, to some extent. A mans instinct can also reach the point where it nearly drowns his civilized side, as in the case of Stanley Kowalski. In A St... ...that cannot be prevented. However, if mankind does manage to squelch all inhibitions and allow his actions to be ruled by instinct alone, then humanitys tenuous hold on civility will be loosened and the results could be catastrophic . Works Cited Adler, doubting Thomas P. A Streetcar Named Desire The Moth and the Lantern. New York Twayne, 1990. Brownmiller, Susan. Against Our Will. New York Bantam Books, 1975. Dworkin, Andrea. Intercourse. New York The Free Press, 1087 Lant, Kathleen Margaret. A Streetcar Named Misogyny. pp. 225-238 in REDMOND. Miller, Jordan. Twentieth Century Interpretations of a Streetcar Named Desire a collection of critical essays. New Jersey Prentice-Hall, 1971. Redmond, James (Editor). Violence in Drama. Cambridge University Press 1991. Williams, Tennessee. A Streetcar Named Desire. Signet New York, 1947.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Education without Truth in Postmodern Perspectivism :: Argumentative Linguistic Papers

Education without Truth in Postmodern PerspectivismPoststructuralist relativism, following the Nietzschean critique of Western rationalism, denounces the quest for true statement as a quest to legitimize various claims on the level of universal human value, by covering up the indirect coercion of their discourse or imagery. Using perspectivism as an argument against philosophical grounding of various patterns and schemes, post-modern thinkers, under the influence of Poststructuralist relativism, try to depart from the cognitivist customs duty by transforming philosophical thought to an enlightening discipline (Rorty) or learning (Lyotard) liberated from a theory of knowledge, and giving into a discourse of literary or prosy character. I argue that post-modern perspectivism and the individualist or collectivistic logic which nurtures its scope can be transcended through construction of hyperperspectivistic prisms based on alogic of interrelation animated by the interdisciplinarian spirit wonted in the field of modern science. This latter serves as the leading thread for the foundation of a new canonicity which, without losing its historical and cultural character, can make claims to truth and validity of general acceptance. The hyperspectivistic canonicity deriving from such an interrelational logic is in a position to animate a new educational model capable of overcoming two idealistic and romantic versions of Bildung. During the last third of 20th century, the so-called postmodern world has been technically modernized in an unprecedented way. An unconstrained capitalist economic system imposing constantly changing technologies determine, among other systems of social control, various forms of the educational system, each one of them promoting knowledge as a commodity. The ferment that swept, some geezerhood ago, not only the Third World but also the industrial societies for revolutionnary change of social and political institutions has given its place t o a forceful modernisation of established authority, political power and modes of accummulation.The belief that we live in a rapidly changing world is well spread. In fact, we live in a frenetically modernized but not changing world, given that the deification of the modern against the traditional forms of education, organization and communication levels the need to create a hallucination of a future society. The creation of such a vision presupposes the critical approach of the legitimacy of the established authority, of political power or wealth issues which ar no longer broadly discussed. The early and forceful advocates of libertarian or socialist values seem to be forgotten or definitely marginalised. (1) The philosophical tradition developed by philosophers like

Walter Lippmanns The Public Philosophy :: The Public Philosophy

Walter Lippmanns The Public PhilosophyWalter Lippmann begins his The Public Philosophy by expressing his concern for the state of the Western Liberal Democracies. The West, he writes, suffers from a disorder from within. This disorder has its roots in the long peace between 1812 and 1914, and was further exascurbated by the great population increase of that era and the coinciding industrial revolution. The latter changed the nature of armed struggle, which in turn intensified the democratic malady. The situation Lippmann describes is the palsy of governments, the inability of the state to make difficult and unpopular decisions.This paralysis is the product of both the long peace and the great war. The period extending from Waterloo to 1914 lulled the West into believing that the age of Mans aggression had passed. Because the hard decisions of taxation, prohibition, and war were not often go about in these years, the Jacobin concept of the desirability of weak government was instill ed in the West. When the first world war did come about, the West was unable to deal effectively with its costs. The sunrise(prenominal) technologies spawned by the industrial revolution, as well as the greater populations involved, had made war infinitely more costly than in the past. Consequently, the executive aspects of Western governments were pressure to democratize the appropriation of men and money by handing their power to the representative assemblies. The assemblies too were forced to cede their power to the People, who channeled them to media powers and party leaders. The result was Disastrous and revolutionary. The democracies became alter to wage war for rational ends or to make a peace which would be enforced.Lippmann holds that the major malfunction of the West is this acquisition of executive and representative powers by the masses. This is a fundamental distortion of the rights of the governed. Lippmann contends that the People have but two natural rights to dec ide whether or not to by governed, and to choose who shall govern them. This sectionalisation of the constitutional order is the cause of the precipitate and the catastrophic decline of Western society. Why then, cannot a mass govern effectively?

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Runners High :: Definition Sports Running Papers

Runners HighMany runners have had the opportunity to take in a state of euphoria while running. While the actual state that they determine varies immensely for each individual there is a common feeling associated with the limit runners high. When a person is asked about runners high they typically will say that it a pleasant state that a runner might experience after a certain distance. This in fact may not be true for only runners though. Skiers, surfers, football players and wrestlers all have highs or moments when they feel they are working to their maximum potential and feeling on top of the world. Runners are not the only types of athletes that experience intense emotional feelings. One moldiness question exactly what is included in this feeling. Defining a high may not be all that easy, if there even is such a thing. Many people have related runners high to the feeling of an orgasm. At this time, the body and mind are both highly stimulated and seem to prefer a persons sens es. Other people have responded to the question of What is runners high? by saying that when the environmental stimuli around you is near perfect and you are feeling wide you are actually feeling a type of high. We must not overlook the facts though, which include material and physiological details to back up feelings of runners high. Throughout time, runners high has been debated and there is still no general definition as to what it is, or even if it exists. Looking at different personal experiences and physical evidence one can generally conclude that runners high is a state of euphoria caused by the environmental stimuli around the runner and the biological aspects of line associated with running. The most obvious aspects to address with runners high are the biological and psychological aspects that can be associated with it. When the body is put under stress the mind reacts accordingly. This is wherefore endorphins are commonly associated with runners high. Endorphins are a ny of a group of opiate proteins with pain-relieving properties that are found naturally in the brain. The word endorphine comes from endogenous, meaning produced within the body and morphine, a chemical substance derived from opium that elevates mood and reduces pain. Endorphines in turn are neurotransmitters that are chemically similar to morphine.1 It has been realized that the brain responds to morphine and that morphine receptors are in the brain.

Runners High :: Definition Sports Running Papers

Runners HighMany runners have had the opportunity to experience a dry land of euphoria while running. While the actual state that they feel varies vastly for each individual there is a common feeling associated with the term runners high. When a person is asked about runners high they typically will dictate that it a pleasant state that a runner might experience after a certain distance. This in fact may not be true for only runners though. Skiers, surfers, football players and wrestlers all have highs or moments when they feel they atomic number 18 working to their maximum potential and feeling on top of the world. Runners are not the only types of athletes that experience intense emotional feelings. One must question exactly what is included in this feeling. Defining a high may not be all that easy, if there even is such a thing. Many people have related runners high to the feeling of an orgasm. At this time, the trunk and mind are both highly stimulated and seem to elevate a persons senses. Other people have responded to the question of What is runners high? by motto that when the environmental stimuli around you is near perfect and you are feeling good you are actually feeling a type of high. We must not overlook the facts though, which include physical and physiological details to back up feelings of runners high. Throughout time, runners high has been debated and there is still no general definition as to what it is, or even if it exists. Looking at different personal experiences and physical evidence one evoke generally conclude that runners high is a state of euphoria caused by the environmental stimuli around the runner and the biological aspects of stress associated with running. The most obvious aspects to address with runners high are the biological and psychological aspects that can be associated with it. When the body is put under stress the mind reacts accordingly. This is why endorphins are commonly associated with runners high. Endorphi ns are any of a group of opiate proteins with pain-relieving properties that are base naturally in the brain. The word endorphine comes from endogenous, meaning produced within the body and morphine, a chemical substance derived from opium that elevates mood and reduces pain. Endorphines in turn are neurotransmitters that are chemically similar to morphine.1 It has been realized that the brain responds to morphine and that morphine receptors are in the brain.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Resources for Food Storage Warehouse Requirements

storage warehouse Sanitation Workshop Handbook, by Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) PDF http//www. eric. ed. gov/ERICWebPortal/search/detailmini. jsp? nfpb=true& adenylic acid_& international ampereERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=ED201821&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=no&accno=ED201821 Foreword (pg 31/67) There is good description of the scope of how they define aliment Warehouse and differentiate it from Food Manufacturing II Buildings and Grounds (pg 31 32)III Fixtures and Equipment (pg 32) trick be employ for office 2 Warehouse exterior and surroundings IV Sanitary Facilities (pg 32-33)V Sanitary Operations (pg 33-34)VI Procedures & Controls Part I, J, K (pg 35 36) drive out be use for Section 8 Hygiene of premises including housekeeping, personal hygiene, pest control and waste governing body VI Procedures & Controls Part A to H (pg 34 35) asshole be used for Section 7 impregnable Handling of Food septet Personnel (pg 36) crowd out be used for S ection 11 Appointment of hygiene officers and personnel training supplement (pg37-39) Could be used as our Appendix and Checklist too 2.Food Safety for Warehousing and Distribution (a training course that comes with a copy of the AIB International Consolidated Standards for Inspection Food Distribution Centres) https//secure. aibonline. org/php/ecomm-catalog. php? catalogNbr=11-3375 3. Food nerve Regulations, by Southern Nevada Health District PDF http//www. southernnevadahealthdistrict. org/food-regulations/index. php Chapter 1 Purpose and DefinitionsChapter 9-1 Definitions Can be used for Section 1 Definitions Chapter 2 Management and Personnel surveillance Can be used for Section 11 Appointment of hygiene officers and personnel training Chapter 3-305. 11 Food Storage (pg 35/166)Chapter 3-305. 2 Food Storage prohibited domains (pg 36) Can be used for Section 6 Safe storage conditions of food Chapter 9-202 General Warehouses Can be used for Section 3 Warehouse structure, desig n and maintenance Chapter 9-302 General Warehouses Can be used for Section 7 Safe handling of foodChapter 9-302. 17 to . 19 Can be used for Section 8 Hygiene of premises Chapter 9-302. 20 transfer of training Can be used for Section 9 Transportation requirements 4. Oregon ODA Food Safety Division http//oregon. gov/ODA/FSD/reg_law_index. shtml Division 25 Food Establishment Standards and Standards for Retail Food Service Activities http//arcweb. sos. state. or. us/pages/rules/oars_600/oar_603/603_025. tml 603-025-0010 Definitions Can be used for Section 1 Definitions Definition of Food Storage Warehouse means any building or place where food is stored as a commercialised venture or business, or stored in connection with or as a part of a commercial venture or business, but does non include a home, restaurant, rooming house, hotel or similar place where food is stored to be used or consumed by the owner or served to employees, customers, or guests, nor an establishment licence by the department under other laws 603-025-0020 General Standards (1) and (2) Can be used for Section 2 Warehouse exterior and surroundings 603-025-0020 General Standards (3) (8) Can be used for Section 3 Warehouse structure 603-025-0020 General Standards (9) (11) Can be used for Section 8 Hygiene 603-025-0020 General Standards (12) Can be used for Section 11 Personnel 603-025-0020 General Standards (13),(14),(16) Can be used for Section 7 Safe handling 603-025-0020 General Standards (15) Can be used for Section 9 Transportation requirements 603-025-0140 Food Storage WarehousesIn addition to the provisions of OAR 603-025-0020, a food storage warehouse shall comply with the pursuance (1) Cold Storage Each cold storage room in a food storage warehouse shall be equipped with an accurate and advantageously visible thermometer with the sensing element at least five feet above the floor. (2) Morgue The operator of a food storage warehouse shall provide an area for the accumulation and h olding of all damaged foods or foods which are or may be unwholesome. The operator shall maintain a program of timely and seemly disposal of damaged or unwholesome foods to prevent development of insanitary conditions or vermin breeding places and rodent harborage.5. Organic Food Federation Storage, Warehouse & Transport Standards (PDF) http//www. orgfoodfed. com/Our%20Standards. htm 6. International Food Safety & Quality Network http//www. ifsqn. com/ http//www. ifsqn. om/brc-storage-and-distribution-quality-management-system-p-94. html 7. Wholesale Food Warehouse Risk Control object Workbook (PDF) sandiegohealth. org/food/wholesale_workbook. pdfSimilar Chapter III Food Storage Procedures Can be used for Section 6 Safe storageCan be used for Section 7 Safe handling Chapter IV Receiving, Transportation Can be used for Section 9 Transportation requirements Chapter V Food Security Can be used for Section 11 Personnel Chapter VI RecallChapter VII Traceback Can be used for Secti on 13 Recall Chapter X Pest Control Can be used for Section 8 Hygiene Sample Self-Inspection Form (pg 64/74) Can be used as Appendix

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Natural disaster case study

There were many problems but the main issue was in the following The decisiveness making In both incidents was non rational Lack of planning for unexpected problems, although as mentioned In the two cases weather problems can be predicted approximately, so a solid plan should have been made. Problem Justification Although Roomers decision is a legal and rational decision from his point of view, yet it was not an honourable one and it was biased.His decision was utilitarian it was meant for the greater good for the company not taking into consideration the rights of the customers and he didnt care which affected the image of his company in the media, this will eventu all in ally lead to decrease in the revenues for the upcoming years as the company have lost its image. Same goes for Melanin, his company was not nimble for a predictable environmental factor although they claim to be the best in customer service among all the other companies.They didnt only fail in managing the crisi s when happened which is a failure and a lack of planning but as well their reaction after the problem was not rational. In spite of the negative feedback they achieved they didnt find out to make It up and apologize, they offered a refund which more people though weekending, Melanin Insisted that they didnt make a mistake that they should recover which again defiantly affected the thanksgiving of the company and cost him his job.Suggested Alternatives Nationwide First Alternative For Nationwide, they could have called for Press conference with all the media and admit that they wont be able to provide everyone with all their currency as this way they would bankrupted, instead they would work on befriending their customers based on the severity of their case giving priority for those who suffered total loss. Evaluation of this solution Pros This way Nationwide will booster Improve their Image which will assure a better relation with customer and thus more revenues In the futur e Cons Nationwide will suffer from a short term financial crisis.Second Alternative Nationwide would pay the full insurance amount of bills to those who agree on signing a long-term contract with Nationwide. Evaluation of this solution Pros This will help the families damaged from the hurricane and will guarantee Nationwide a steady Income on a long period of time Cons This Solution will cost Nationwide a lot of money which will shed them In a serious financial risk.Third Alternative For Nationwide, after the damage have happened they could have Issued a press release explaining why they had to take these actions and offering help to the homes, they could do so by partnering with a furniture provider who would be interested in reliving the damaged families also. Evaluation of this solution Pros this move will show Nationwide trials to help the society which will help their image of Nationwide however with a lower cost.Cons Nationwide will set about to fix the problem by paying money along with another company which will decrease the cost, ND help in repairing the damage make for their image Recommendation I would go with the first alternative, as it will lead to a win-win situation for most of the customers in addition to Nationwide. It will also help in fixing the damage done to the goodwill of the company.Stubble Stubble, should organize a press conference showing their sincere apology and compassion to the incommode their passenger had to endure as result of this unexpected event and announcing their plan to avoid these incidents in the future Evaluation of this solution Pros This way the company will save its image and goodwill which will assure a teeter relation with customer without having to endure a financial crisis Cons Some customers may not accept the apology asking for compensations.Second Alternative Stubble should send a personalized apology to each person who was trapped on their planes accompanied with an incentive of free miles to be physical exertiond in the next year. Pros Stubble this way will gain the respect of their customers saving their goodwill, and ensuring that a percentage of them will use them during the next year which leads too profit for them. Cons It will be a financial liability on the company for the short period of time, having to distribute all the free miles.Third Alternative Full refund to the passengers who were affected, with a press conference explaining the reasons behind the problem and the procedures taken to avoid it in the future. Pros This way will help Stubble to protect their reputation, and retain their customers. Cons refunding all the passengers will be a financial burden. Recommendation I would go with the second alternative, as it will help in the damage control for the reputation of the company with a guarantee that at least a percentage of them will be using their serve in the next year, with a minimal amount of money invested in this process.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

New Communication Structure Essay

Communication is important in every aspect of our lives. This is also squ be for the communion used in our professional lives. When at work we depend on cooperation with others to accomplish our goals, and communication is the critical human process we use to crusade such cooperation. (Kreps, 2011 sec. 1.1) Understanding communication is the shell appearance to make sure it is being used effectively correctly. When communication is effective then organisational comp starnts exit run uncreased and efficiently. Smoother and effective communication means that an organization has a greater chance of following its mission and achieving its goals. Successful communication shadower be as important to organizational productivity as any other component used. There are quintuple concepts that are important for prosperous communication deep down an organizational setting and this proposal provide discuss their necessity in an organization. Culture is something that needs to be reco gnized and aware of when we are communicating with everyone. It is also important in organizational communication.Organizational destination includes the norms and attitudes of the organization. To support clear and effective communication in an organization the employees must be pay close attention the organizational culture. The process of socialization will also help an employee to adapt to an organizations culture. The process of socialization is where, ceremonious members of cultural groups educate others and enforce adherence to established cultural rules or norms for appropriate behavior. (Kreps, 2011 pg. 17) In down the stairsstanding the norms in an organization communication will be smoother because there will be less chance for mis at a lower placestandings. An example of organizational culture would be the style of dress in the office. If an organization is one where the employees dress in suits and formal business wear then an employee who came to work in shorts and a t-shirt would affectthe culture in a negative way. Those communicating with those employees could become uncomfortable, or distracted. This may result in avoiding communication with this employee and over all communication will breakdown.Avoidance of communication with but one employee is enough to cause a gap in efficiency. The book Communications in Organizations explains, Strategic organizational communicators initiate and develop strong, effective, and satisfying relationships with others to march on cooperation and coordination in organizational life. (Kreps, 2011 pg. 15) Understanding the organizational culture also builds trust and respect among employees which in turn brings higher production. Paying attention to organizational culture helps to build the relational communication to support effective communication. Part of an organizations culture is the forms of communication used. Informal and formal communications are 2 types of communication that play an important ro le in an organization.The difference in both forms of communication can be explained as Formal patterns of organizational communication follow the power hierarchy within organizations, whereas informal patterns of communication do not necessarily follow along power hierarchy lines (Kreps, 2011 sec. 1.5) Formal communication is used to address important job related material. Paying close attention when receiving or using formal communication will stop an employee from make a mistake and will also give them the data to be successful. However, when filtering through formal communications such as emails it is important to avoid information overload. Information overload takes place when, so many varied messages are impinging on a person that the person has difficulty making backbone of all the information available. (Kreps, 2011 pg. 174)Scanning email for the most important and relative messages is a skill that is necessary but recognizing formal emails for their importance will u nderstand that the information snarled will be received. In understanding the nuances of informal communication an employee can avoid getting themselves in trouble by offend a supervisor or missing important information. In regards to organizational communication contravention resolution can be the difference in success or failure when working with others to collide with company goals. Conflict is inevitable, and happens when people sink. It can come from assumptions, miscommunications, or one way communication. The good news is passage of arms can be turned into a positive thing.A quote inthe book, says An Introduction to Leadership, that, The most important single ingredient in the statute of success is liveing how to get along with people. (Weis, 2011, pg 2) Working through contrasts can build better communication skills, as well as trust and understanding. In using conflict resolution steps new and better ideas can be generated for the organizations. A gentleman named M r. Tim Scudder wrote a book in which he describes five steps to conflict resolution. An interview he gave he made the point that in conflict both parties want the same thing. (Scudder, 2011) He also accent the importance of anticipating conflict. By anticipating conflict an employee will take time to think, and in thinking they will realize that the person they may wee-wee a conflict with wants the same thing. This puts the employee in a positive frame of mind and helps to come to a reasonable solution for both pertain.In the article How to Deal with quizzical Co-Workers gives a suggestion to help in dealing with co-workers. It suggests that, With most types of annoying co-workers, the solution is simply to be straightforward and assertive. (Green, 2011) Working through a conflict helps co-workers to come to a better understanding of each other. When people understand and respect each other communication is smoother and more effective. Once again, smoother and effective communic ation benefits the organization. Formal communication, informal communication, and conflict resolution involve two parties. each of these communications involves a time where another party receives information. In face to face communication active listening is a technique that will ensure that messages are received correctly and will allow the attendee to formulate the best response. prompt Listening is not only an important part of conflict resolution but communication as a whole. Active listening means, being in full engaged in paying(a) attention to your relational partners communication with you. It is not just hearing skills. It involves paying close attention to your partners verbal and nonverbal behaviors. (Kreps, 2011 sec. 4.3) In other words, its a way of showing respect for those you are communicating with. It sounds as simple as just listening but its not that simple. It takes a conscious effort to begin with before it becomes habit. If you are fully engaged in what you r partner is communicating then you will get all of the information being sent. It may also evoke the norm of reciprocality which will have your partner giving youtheir full attention.The norm of reciprocity is, the urge to act in-kind that often encourages these relational partners to provide you with information and treat you similarly to the way you treat them. (Kreps, 2011 pg. 15) The importance to an organization of its members practicing active listening is participants receive all the information that is coming to them. This means that they have all they would need to know to complete their jobs successfully and meet organizational goals. Organizations have both formal and informal loss leaders. Formal leaders typically are assigned their positions of authority within the organizational hierarchy and hold titles such as president, vice president, division leader, and manager. (Kreps, 2011 pg. 19)Informal leaders are little harder to define by position or tile but emerge wit h organizational life based on credibility (usually a combination of charisma, dynamism, expertise, and trustworthiness), ability to accomplish complex tasks, and access to pertinent information. (Kreps, 2011 pg. 19) Even if you are not a formal leader you can still have influence over others as an informal leader. Informal leaders are not defined by title but by quality of character. Understanding leaders strategies and what being a leader entails helps to motivate workers to meet organizational goals. It is important for organizational leaders be able to communicate in different ways for different situations. There are several different leadership strategies that can be employed for different situations. To understand leadership strategies its important to think about how leaders may have those under them.Douglas McGregor used X and Y models of leadership to explain the relationship between leaders and following. possible action X makes the assumption about workers they do not wish well work and will do anything to avoid it. This model will make leaders be more directed because they think that is what workers prefer and need. McGregors possibility Y assumes that workers do not dislike work and will work hard if they feel the value of their effort. The Theory Y suggests that if workers are given a degree of autonomy and a chance to use their imaginations they will strive to be successful in their tasks. Depending on how leaders see workers can govern their leadership strategies. One of three helpful leadership styles is the autocratic leadership style. This is a leadership style that would come from a leader who is a believer in Theory X.An autocratic leader makes mostorganizational decisions without consulting with others. The leader calls all the shots, tells workers what to do and how to do it. (Kreps, 2011 sec 7.6) This type of leadership style would have little use for upward communication from those who follow. Upward communication is, communicati on that travels up the power hierarchy. (Kreps, 2011 pg. 10) This would be difficult for a leader who believes in Theory X because, upward communication enables workers to express their concerns and ideas, to provide and ask for feedback, and seek clarification from managers. (Kreps, 2011 pg. 10) The autocratic leadership style is best suited not for campaign workers but in emergency situation where there is little time for collaboration. Organizational participants would appreciate a direct approach in times of pressure. On the opposing side of autocratic leadership is democratic leadership style.When using the democratic leadership style you, share responsibility and involve other organizational participants in decision making, although the process for the final decision may vary from the leader having the final say to them facilitating consensus in the group. (Kreps, 2011 sec. 7.6) This type of leadership style is something that followers respond positively to. It also bolsters the leaders position because the workers feel a buy in to the process. This is something that Theory Y talks about. The ability of component part the workers feel that their efforts and work are valued, and helping them to see the value. The drawback to this type of style is that it is time consuming, and can lead to conflict if not used correctly and in the right situation.Lastly, there is the laissez faire leadership style. The laissez-faire leadership style would have the leader, share power with workers and delegate decision-making authority to those individuals who are directly involved in the decision-making situations. (Kreps, 2011 sec. 7.6) This leadership style could be considered an extension of the democratic leadership style. In using this style it is important for a leader to know the capabilities of those under them. The employees under this leader must be experienced and skilled in the tasks that they are being given a degree of control over. This type of leadership style will help a leader delegate those things they have little time for. Delegation is an important skill. In the article A slam Kit for the Real World it says that, Business people dont get accolades for being smart, but for being effective.That is measured inthings like increase sales, increased earnings and an increased number of licensing agreements. Not, alas, by the fruition of one employees great idea. (Motluk, 2011) However, this should not be used as a way of having others do their work for them. This would be damaging to the leader and certainly the organization in that it can bring a degree of disorganization that would be passing difficult to correct. The leadership strategies above are mentioned because they show the need for a leader to be able to decipher the right strategy for the right situation. Each has one distinctive way to deal with leading and each has its drawbacks when used outside of its best application. Therefore the situational model of leadership ma y be the best strategy when it comes to leadership. The situational model of leadership is, based on the assumption that there is no right way of leading.Rather, the best leaders adapt to the unique situational constraints to evince the appropriate leadership style for the situation. (Kreps, 2011 sec. 7.6) A leader must be able to analyze situations, those involved, the choices, and the preferred outcome. If its an emergency and little time involved then use the autocratic leadership style. When time is available to employ upward communication, and bolster workers self esteem and organizational value a leader should employ democratic leadership style. If a leader is feeling overwhelmed or they are feeling pulled in too many directions, perhaps a laissez-faire leadership style might help to delegate tasks to that can handle them. Understanding leadership strategies helps to use communications with workers that will work best in certain situations.The most important thing about commu nication in the work place is ken. As the book Communications in Organizations points out, Organizations and the way they communicate play critical roles in our lives. (Kreps, 2011 pg. 25) The key to effective communication is awareness. All of the five concepts of organizational communication mentioned above have some type of awareness piece built in. Communication is smoothest when those communicating are aware of those they are communicating with, their culture, and their style of communication. Thinking before speaking, anticipating change and conflict, and knowing what actions to take will help a leader communicate effectively with workers. After presenting the five concepts for successful communication within an organizational setting above it is clear to see their necessity forsuccessful communication.ReferencesKreps, G. (2011). Communications in Organizations. San Diego Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Green, A. (2011, January 6). How to Deal With Annoying Co-Workers. Retrieved from http//money.usnews.com/money/blogs/outside-voices-careers/2011/06/06/how-to-deal-with-annoying-co-workers Motluk, A.(2011) A Tool Kit for the Real World. Retrieved from http//www.newscientist.com/article/dn19969-a-tool-kit-for-the-real-world.html?full=true (2011). Tim Scudder Interview. Retrieved from http//www.youtube.com/ visualise?v=P_E7YVkjJQ0 Weiss, J. (2011). An Introduction to Leadership. San Diego, Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Assessment of Grandmother’s Character in ” a Good Man Is Hard to Find”

An Assessment of the Grandmother from A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery OConnor The gran who remains unnamed both last(p rubyicate) without in the story is the protagonist and the central book of facts of Flannery OConnors A Good Man is hard to Find, a tragic story of a family who decided to go on vacation but got killed randomly on the road by a criminal on the loose named The Misfit. She is endowed with a joyful spirit, a passion in life in spite of her age. She is a non-stereotypical woman whose old fashion clothing and beliefs contradict her beefed-up, manipulative mind, an enemy trait of a passive and complacent woman in her time.The Grandmother is a smart woman who knows how to assert herself by trying to use entirely the available resources around her and manipulating them by appealing to their morality. From this information we say that the grandmother is a round and dynamic character as her character changes from being a manipulative mother to her son Bailey, to a quirky, playful grandmother who ignite her grandchildrens imagination by her stories, and finally, to a humble human being who experiences wake up and acceptance of defeat in her moral battle and failed manipulation scheme with The Misfit.Right from the beginning of the story, we are introduced to a powerful trait of the grandmotherher strong and manipulative character. She did not want to go to Florida, as her son Bailey has planned for the family. Instead she wanted to go to Tennessee to visit her old friends and she was seizing at every chance to change Baileys mind (356). She would use everything around her to complete her scheme and set things her way.She picks up a newspaper and shows him the news about a criminal on the loose from the Federal Penitentiary who is headed towards Florida, and attacks his conscience and morals by saying, I wouldnt take my children in any direction with a criminal want that a loose in it. I couldnt answer to my conscience if I did (356). When her first attempt gets no response, she uses her grandchildren and hopes to convince Baileys mind this time by saying that the children need to see the other parts of the world and be broad (356).Finally, when she realizes defeat, the grandmother is the first one all set to go the next morning, an distinction of the dynamism and flexibility of her character. This same manipulative character is so important in the development of the plot that it exit set fire and conflict of the story. The grandmother persuades her son Bailey to make a detour and let the family see an old house off road. When Bailey says no, she again uses her grandchildren by telling them lies about the secret panel in the house where the old family that used to stay in that house hid their silver.The grandmother knows she ignites the childrens imagination and senses fetching this time. This sends the children to a frantic tantrum and ultimately changes Baileys mind. The detour causes them an accident and their e ncounter with The Misfit. In her encounter with The Misfit, still high with power over her capability to changer her sons mind, she does the same tactic to The Misfit, and hopes not to get killed by persuading The Misfit to change his ways. She evangelizes on his morality and flatters him by constantly telling him he is a good man and that he comes from a nice people (364).Her desperation is overwhelming as she desperately tries to reach out with The Misfit by calling him one of her children and touching him on his shoulders. This desperate action brings her to her death in the hands of The Misfit. Apparently, her manipulative scheme does not work with The Misfit, instead gets him more vex and angry as he states, She would commence been a good womanif it had been somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life (368). Another indication of the grandmothers unique personality is her clothing and style.The author presents her to us as being a prim and proper lady dressed in a navy blue suit with a matching navy blue sailor hat and white cotton gloves. What makes her clothing and style peculiar(a) and interesting is its inappropriateness to the humid condition of her surroundings. The grandmother seems unmindful about it instead she focuses on her aristocratic and old-fashion views in life. She states, In case of accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once that she was a lady (357).Instead of viewing the grandmother as hypocrite and superficial, we could look at her as a lost spirit in a lost time frame and space. Her old-fashioned clothing, ways and thinking indicate her imprisonment and nostalgia for the old days. This is shown through her constant recalling of the past, her yearning to reconnect with her old friends in Tennessee, and her nostalgia with the old house in the hill. These are important indications of a suppressed spirit trapped in the agony and joys of unresolved past.Tragically, this constant yearning of the past will take her and her family to doom and death. Compared to the other characters in the story, the grandmothers character is the most dynamic and vibrant just alike how her choice of clothing stands out. Her son, Bailey, is a cold-hearted and self-absorbed individual whose character is just as boring as his yellow parrot shirt. He consciously defies his mothers control and hates her sunny disposition, The childrens mother put a dime in the machine and played The Tennessee Waltz, and the grandmother said that tune always made her want to dance.She asked Bailey if he would like to dance but he only glared at her. Baileys wife on the other hand, is a passive character whose only obsession is to hold her baby day and night. To illustrate it more graphically, the grandmother is a giant red rose in the midst of weathered weeds in a field. It becomes more vibrant in her encounter with the antagonist of the story, The Misfit. The grandmothers and The Misfits characters are both strong and contrast with each other and it is reflected in their opposing choice of clothing and differing views on morality.Reading between them is like watching the Battle of Endor in Star Wars-Return of the Jedi where the goodLuke Skywalker battles with the grievousDarth Vader. The encounter brings us to a hopeful anticipation whether the good will prevail evil and hopes that the grandmother will persuade The Misfit to spare her life and change his ways. But to no avail. The grandmother will be shot three times on her chest. The death of the grandmother in the hands of The Misfit will evoke us differing reactions.At first instance, we may feel vindictive for the grandmother, and that she only got what she deserved as payback for her selfishness and manipulative character. At the same time, we are also saddened of the evils triumph over goodness, a brush of reality that at times or most of the time, guns are still mightier than words or even religion. The story concludes with a life lesso n that a mans character and morality are so embedded in the individual that it cannot be changed overnight nor by the mere mention of God or religion.It has to be famous though that when the grandmother dies, the author describes her as half sat and half lay in a puddle of blood with her legs crossed under her like a childs and her face smiling up at the cloudless sky (368), as if full of peace and divine grace. This demonstrates OConnors conviction on salvation through religion that everyone has the chance to be saved no matter how deceitful the individuals actions may have been in the past. All throughout the story, our relationship with the grandmother fluctuates from hatred to love, anger to sadness.We love her for her playfulness, her sunny disposition, and nostalgia for the past, yet we hate her for resembling with our own grandmothers or mothers who never leave out up at our homes and who seem to know everything in the world constantly asserting their power and dominance ov er us. This ability to evoke an ambivalent tang and familiarity with reality is what makes this story worth reading all over again. References O Connor, F. (1955). A Good Man Is Hard to Find. In G. Giola, & J. Kennedy (Ed. ), Backpack Literature (pp. 355-368). regular army Pearson

Thursday, May 23, 2019

“A Merchant of Venice” Essay Essay

In the play The Merchant of Venice, Shakespeare reveals Portias component in a variety of different ways. She seems to have multiple personalities, and it is very difficult for one to conclude whether she is kind or cruel. For example, she could be said to be prejudice and sly, while also very caring.Portia is quick to judge others on appearances and first impressions. In scene II, when Portia is discussing her suitors with Nerissa, she explains all of the traits she doesnt worry ab step forward each of them. She regular suggests placing a glass of wine on one of the incorrect caskets so that the German suitor would choose it and she wouldnt have to marry him. In fact, she does not seem to wish well any of the suitors that have visited, except for Bassanio, whom she remembers with fondness I remember him well, and I remember him worthy / of thy praise (1.2.114-115). In addition, when consulted about the Prince of Morocco, she makes it eject to the reader that if he had the cond ition of a saint / and the complexion of a devil, I had rather he should / shrive me than wive me (1.2.124-126).This is extremely racist, especially since she hasnt even spoken to him yet when she states this. She just immediately assumes that she would not marry him because of his dark skin, even if he had a wonderful personality. Also, Portia makes it kn bear that she does not like people of the Jewish faith, and was extremely rude to Jessica when she first arrived in Belmont. During this scene, Portia warmly welcomes each man, but treats Jessica as if she were invisible. When Jessica tells the group that she hadheard him Shylock swearTo Tubal and to Chus, his countrymen,That he would rather have Antonios fleshThan twenty times the value of the sumThat he did owe him. (3.2.283-287)Portia completely ignores this piece of information, and continues talking to Bassanio as if aught had been said. She cannot seem to accept people if they are slightly different from herself.Portia show s signs of being sly and somewhat cold-hearted. She manages to get to Venice and trick all of the men in the motor hotel into thinking she is a man. Then, she craftily turns the whole bond plot around and saves Antonio from death, finding two loopholes in the bond. One of these is that Shylock cannot shed any of Antonios blood and the other is that he may not take any more or less than a pound of flesh. In the same scene, she decides to audition her husbands loyalty to her by convincing him to give her the ring that had been a symbol of their love, telling him that she will have nothing else but however this (4.1.430). Bassanio was eventually persuaded into giving up the ring to this doctor. This was very cold-hearted of her she should have trusted Bassanio, given that he is her husband. This trick complicated their marriage, for she now probably feels like she cannot trust him. It was a cruel trick I think, and very sly.Portia loves Bassanio very much and cares for him and his fr iends. While it seems that Portia wants to accuse her husband of being disloyal, she still wants to help him in what ever way she can. At first, when she hears of the bond between Antonio and Shylock, she offers to Pay him six thousand, and deface the bond / double six thousand, and then treble that, / before a friend of this description / shall flake out a hair through Bassanios fault (3.2.298-301). When she discovers that money will not solve the problem, she risks getting caught and, accompanied by Nerissa, follows the men to Venice disguised as a male doctor. In the courtroom she stands up to Shylock and turns the bond to Antonios advantage, eventually causing Shylock to lose a lot of money and become terribly embarrassed. All of this she does out of love for Bassanio. Even though she has never met Antonio, she is very eager to help him out since he is a friend of her beloved husband.However horrible Portia may seem to be in terms of prejudice and how she doesnt trust her own h usband, she still is very loving to those sheactually likes. She can very well be described as two-faced on the one hand she is sly, prejudice and lacking in trust of her husband, yet on the other hand she is a kind and loving woman. It is this complex personality that makes her such an interesting character in Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice. Bassanio may want to get to know all of her sides before committing himself to a woman whom he barely knows.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Missile Defense Agency

The Missile Defense Agency is an organization kn halt got for its selectiveness in choosing candidates to subject for them. versed this, I am submitting my resume in hopes of becoming a part of the MDA team at the Department of Defense. National security is an issue that every American must be concerned about in this era, and in my case I have prepared through my education and experience to become an employee of much(prenominal) an agency as this.The missionary post of the Missile Defense Agency is to develop, test, and prepare for deployment a missile defense system, and my experience in management and logistics has prepared me to work in a field such as this. I find that my strength as an employee, my ability to problem solve and my abilities with strategic planning would move over me a strong candidate to become a part of the Missile Defense Agency.The Missile Defense Agency plays an in-chief(postnominal) role in the fall in States today. More than ever our country needs to be prepared for the unthinkable. Every day on the in the buffs there are many mentions of events happening virtually the world that renew my belief that a prepared Missile Defense Agency is essential to the national security of our country.To this end, I am dedicated to the mission of the MDA and the Department of Defense, not only because I am a citizen of this country and have a personal stock in the security of our nation, but because my own personal experience and education would lend a lot to the agency and my pieces would definitely be substantial. Furthermore, my daughter has recently enlisted in the United States Army, and I feel my personal connection with the importance of the security of this nation would make me an excellent candidate for the MDA Logistics position.My education has been the most formative experience of my life. My Bachelors of Science in homo Resource Management was obtained from Athens State University in Alabama. During my time at university I w as able to learn a great deal about business, management, and how important it is to learn from every experience. Much of my education was not within the classroom, but outside of it, because I am a person that enjoys learning hands-on and obtaining new skill sets that will help me develop into a better person and employee. When I began to seek an institution to obtain my Masters degree I chose Florida pioneer of Technology in Alabama because of the degree they offered in Management and Logistics Management.This degree has helped me to develop a strong aptitude for data analysis and a lofty attention to detail. Graduate college courses have exposed me to transportation security, transportation economics, strategic intermodel transportation, and much more to prepare me for a career in the logistics arena. Modes of instruction include correspondence courses, formal classes, developmental assignments, and independent studies. The courses Ive taken in my major at Florida Institute of Technology have given me a broader consciousness of logistics and distribution. The skill sets Ive obtained as a student have prepared me to become a strong member of the Missile Defense Agency.The above genteelness and experience will enable me to perform well at the Missile Defense Agency. Effective oral communication is critical to the mission of your organization, and I have this skill developed through years of education and career experience. Talent for ensuring proper staff direction at all times to maximize contribution of each individual including planning, directing, work assignments, and expediting problem resolution is one of my most valuable skills.The ability to analyze logistics support needs accurately and to establish and make satisfactory relationship with other employees is an important part of my prior work experiences, and I am adept at developing and maintaining detailed administrative and procedural processes that reduce redundancy, improve efficiency, and achieve organizational objectives. I performed the duties of logistics functions and principles by implementing a quarterly inventory control system, and my acute ability to transform organizational strategies into fulfill and achievement with superior ability to lead performance-driven teams.I have also been able to demonstrate diverse skills by interacting with personnel from a variety of ethnical backgrounds. All in all, my skills and abilities have prepared me to become a successful and committed employee of the Missile Defense Agency and I look forward to link your team.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Synopsis on Consumer Behaving Behaviour

Consumer Buying Behaviour Introduction Consumer buying behavior is the study of human responses to products or services and the marketing of products/services. The study of consumer behavior foc utilisations on how individuals come their decisions to spend their available resources (time, money, effort) on consumption related itemsor consumption related aspects (What they buy? When they buy? How they buy? ). It also study of individuals, or organisations and the processes consumers use to search, select, use and dispose of products, services, experience, or ideas to satisfy needs and its impact on the consumer and society.Buyer behaviour is deeply rooted in psychology with dashes of sociology thrown in just to rent things more interesting. Since every person in the world is different, it is impossible to have simple rules that explain how buying decisions are made. But those who have spent galore(postnominal) years analysing customer activity have presented us with useful guideli nes in how someone decides whether or not to make a purchase. The evaluation of marketing sentiment from mere selling concept to consumerorientedmarketing has resulted in buyer behaviour becoming an independentdiscipline.The growth of consumerism and consumer legislation emphasizes theimportance that is given to the consumer. Some consumers are characterized as being more involved in products andshopping than others. A consumer who is highly involved with a product wouldbe interested in knowing a lot about it before purchasing. thus he readsbrochures thoroughly, compares brands and models available at different outlets, asks questions, and looks for recommendations. Thus consumer buying behaviour wad be defined as heightened state of awareness that motivates consumers to look for out, attend to, and think about product information prior to purchase.Company profile The City of Chennai is the Citadel of South. This City is known for promotion of culture, tradition and industry. Th e House of Khivraj is well(p) known in the Automobilein this Metro. The flag ship company of the Group is KHIVRAJ MOTORS LTD . This Company was traffic in the vehicles manufactured by Hindustan Motors Ltd for 35 years. This company was also dealing in two and Three Wheelers of Bajaj Auto Ltd for four decades. Now, the company has taken Dealership for Maruti Vehicles. The Company is proud to have an independent Body shop with unexampled gadgets.The Company has diverted the Dealership for Bajaj Auto Ltd. s products to its sister concerns to have clear focus in its operations. These concerns have modern show rooms and wage speciality ideal workshops for two and Three Wheelers. The automobile turnover of the group has crossed billion rupees. The management of the Company vests with Shri AJIT KUMAR CHORDIA who is a young dynamic technocrat and administrator with admirable skills in different spheres and Shri BHARAT KUMAR CHORDIA a young administrator who is known for his acumen in s everal fields and managerial capacity.They are guided by the Company Chairman Shri NAVARATANMULL CHORDIA who is groomed by the Founder of the Company Late Shri KHIVRAJ CHORDIA. Statement of the Problem Consumers are booking for a bike and at stick up they are not purchasing the bike. Availability of goods & services at proper time. Comparing of dealership in terms of price and discount. Need for the Study To project the buying roles of the consumer To analyse the consumers decision making process. To know growing market segments of company for consumers To know what features or product design acceptable by consumer Objectives of Study To understand the major factors influencing consumer behaviour. To Know and recognize the types of buying behaviour decision behaviour. To understand how consumers make purchasing decisions and respond to purchasing. To understand how marketers analyse consumer decision-making. mise en scene of the Study To distinguish different consumer groups and to develop products that satisfies the needs. To understand how consumers make purchasing choices among products/services. To know how consumers will respond to different product features, prices, advertisement appeals. Research methodological analysis Research methodology is the doctrinal process of collecting and analyzing information ( entropy) in order to increase our understanding of the phenomenon about which we are concerned or interested. In other words research methodology is an endeavour to discover answers to intellectual and practical problems through the application of scientific method.Research Design Survey research is the systematic gathering of information from respondents for the purpose of understanding and/or predicting some aspects of the behaviour ofthe creation of interest. It is the most common method of collecting originaldata for marketing decisions. Survey can provide data on attitudes, feelings, beliefs, past and intended behaviour, knowled ge, ownership, personal characteristics and other descriptive items. Survey research is concerned withadministration of questionnaires (interviewing).The survey research must beconcerned with sampling, questionnaire design, questionnaire administrationand data analysis. Sampling Sampling is the process of selecting units (e. g. , people, organizations) from a population of interest so that by studying the sample we may fairly generalize our results back to the population from which they were chosen Sample size The sample size of a statistical sample is the number of observations that constitute it. It is typically denoted n, a positive integer. Total cc samples taken for analysis and interpretation.Data collection methods For making analysis and interpreting the data there are two methods have been used for collecting the data i. e. primary method and secondary method. Tool for data collection Questionnaire (Sequence and layout) Primary Data Questionnaire Method and interviewing me thod. Secondary Data Marketing Management book and weekly journals. Chapter plan Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Company Profile Chapter 3. Research Methodology Chapter 4. Analysis and Interpretation Chapter 5. Findings recommendations and Conclusion

Monday, May 20, 2019

Regional Airlines Case Study

subject bea 2 regional Air chores Case 2 Regional Air attracts Case Introduction A+ for effort, Customer servicing Pays for Itself In an extremely regulated and thus relatively uniform industry such as the m peerlessymaking(prenominal) air lane industry, the successful air caper is the organization which sets itself apart from the competition. Within an industry that requires guest planning to larboard with flight schedules and security measures, a major surgical processal aspect which tidy sum aid an airline in gaining an edge on the competition is guest wait on.The effective consumption of air trip out (finding flights, buying tickets, getting through the airport, boarding a plane, and fin eachy reaching the final destination) is non the same simple consumer tenderr relationship that the consumer experiences in a trip through the Wal-Mart checkout counter the nature of air travel makes the interaction betwixt the airline and the customer very complex.Almost every fa cet of the complex relationship between the airline and customer can generate a large amount of stress for the consumer consumers find scummy customer assistant in the face of tight travel deadlines and paid for travel plans that did not ineluctably go as int abateed extremely frustrating. psycho outline Investigating Salient Case Issues To capitalize on offering a high level of effective customer service, an investment must(prenominal) be made.The airline must ensure their customer service department not precisely translates that customer service is highly valued in the organizational environment but to a fault must ensure that the customer service department has the tools and resources to offer effective customer service (Graham, 2012). Like any business investment, the organization must make smart decisions when providing customer service resources for instance a bellow center of fifty employees which solely answers two foresees an minute is a humongous waste of resourc es that would be better allocated towards another goal.The enigma of understand that an investment towards more effective customer service is pick outed, but at what cost to make that investment, is the problem which faces Regional Airlines in the case study on page 539 of the 2012 Anderson, et al, text An Introduction to Management skill Regional Airlines is expanding its customer service operation by setting up a late resound dodge for the purpose of providing ticketing services and customer assistance over the speech sound.The airline is going ahead with the new phone placement however, two major decision points exist, how legion(predicate) agents to allocate to the line (one or two) and what complexity of system in which to invest (a system that provides a chinking function versus one that does not). The expected call load for the new operation is one call every 3. 75 proceedings, available metrics channelise that on each call a ticket agent spends 3 proceeding wit h a customer effectively this results that for every customer attended to, there entrust be 45 seconds of downtime (Anderson, et al, 2012).Unfortunately for Regional Air, those figures argon merely average outs, there get out be an indeterminate amount of calls which meet or exceed the 3. 75 minute span in between calls. The decision between systems which provides a hold function versus the one that does not will determine will determine if that customer is placed on hold or if the call is just dropped. Placing an unanswered call on hold provides a buffer for the agent to end the call and then service the holding customer however, for a customer that stays on hold for an inordinate amount of time will begin to feel less and less like a well-served customer.The expected call load versus the time it takes for an agent to deal with each call is the basis of allocating only one agent to man the call system. The second option of allocating two or more agents is in effect, insurance t hat each call will be answered in a timely fashion and callers will not shed to wait for extended periods of time. The decision of how many agents to allocate to the phone system is base upon the apparent cost for an extra agent sitting around not actively engaged in a call however this view is relatively short sighted beca usance it does not take into key the revenue lost from dropped calls and dissatisfied customers.The salient issue of the case is determining what the appropriate level of coronation to make for the phone system to provide an expected (and beneficial) level of customer service Group treatment Exploring Simulations Simulation is a quantitative technique developed for studying alternative courses of action by mental synthesis a model of that system and then conducting a series of repeated trial and error experiments to indicate the behavior of the system over a period of time (Srivastava, Shenoy, & Sharma, 1989, p. 753). Of all the simulations waiting line si mulations are of the most important to the customer service industry.In the airline industry long waiting times can lead to poor customer service scores and diminished sales. Regional Airlines is establishing a new mobilise system for handling flight qualifications (Anderson, Sweeney, Williams, Camm, & Martin, 2012). The airlines main goal is to decrease the wait time at its call centers and increase sales. Regionals management team agrees that its goal should be to answer 85% of its influent calls immediately. The following analyzes Regional Airlines (RA) catamenia arriere pensee system and ways to improve it. Analysis of Current SystemCurrently RA is answering one call every 3. 75 minutes during 1000 a. m. to 1100 a. m. time period (? (average arrival time) = 60 minutes / 3. 75 minutes = 16 calls per hour). The average service time is 3 minutes per customer ( (service rate) = 60 minutes / 3 minutes = 20 calls per hour). With only one stockpile agent, the hazard that a caller will be blocked because of a take signal is P1 = . 4444 ? o = ( ? / ? ) ? /0 i=0k ? /? i /i = ( 16 / 20 ) ? /0 (16/20)o / 0 + (16/20)1 /1 = . 5556 ?1 = ( ? / ? ) 1/0 i=1k ? /? 1 /i = ( 16 / 20 ) 1/0 (16/20)o / 0 + (16/20)1 /1 = . 444 With two reservation agents, the probability that a caller will be blocked because of a vigorous signal is P2 = . 1509. ?o = ( ? / ? ) ? /0 i=0k ? /? i /i = ( 16 / 20 ) ? /0 (16/20)o / 0 + (16/20)1 /1 + (16/20) 2 /2 = . 4717 ? 1 = ( ? / ? ) ? /0 i=0k ? /? i /i = ( 16 / 20 ) ? /1 (16/20)o / 0 + (16/20)1 /1 + (16/20) 2 /2 = . 3774 ? 2 = ( ? / ? ) ? /0 i=0k ? /? i /i = ( 16 / 20 ) ? /2 (16/20)o / 0 + (16/20)1 /1 + (16/20) 2 /2 = . 1509 Regional Airlines current phone reservation system will answer an approximate of 85% of phone calls with two busy reservation agents.However, the other 15% will be blocked because of a industrious signal. Customers who do not get a hold of an agent may not call rump and contribute to negatively charged customer servic e reaction and adversely affect the business. Analysis of Agents Needed Proposed expand system will open callers to wait. Instead of creation blocked when all lines are busy, customers can ingest to stay on the line and calls will be answered in the prepare received. With only one reservation agent for Regional Airlines in the expanded system, 80% (Pw) of incoming calls will end up waiting. The average waiting time is also at 12 minutes (Wq).Cited numbers preceding(prenominal) show a horrendous system that is two undesirable and a business model doomed for failure. So in fix up for RA to befool the benefits of the expanded system, it needs to employ two or more reservation agents. Po=1- ? /? = 1-1620=0. 20 Lq = ? 2 ? (? ? ) = 16 2 20 (20 16) = 3. 2 L =Lq + ? / = 3. +1620=4 wq+Lq / ? =3. 216=0. 20 hours=12 minutes W = wq + 1/ = 0. 20 + 1/20 = 0. 25 hours = 15 minutes Pw= =1620=0. 80=80% At the planning meeting, Regional Airlines management team agreed that answering at lea st 85% of the calls is an pleasant customer service goal.This means that the probability of waiting will have to be 15% or less. Pw= 1k k k? k? ? Po k = 2 agents Pw= 12 16202 2 202 20- 16 0. 4286= 0. 2286 k = 3 agents Pw= 13 16203 3 203 20- 16 0. 4472= 0. 0520 Po=0. 4472 Lq=0. 0189 L=0. 8189 Wq=0. 0012 hours=0. 07 minutes W=0. 0512 hours=3. 97 minutes Using three agents clearly meets the companys goal. With three reservation agents, only 5% of the calls will be waiting, which is way below the 15% targeted cap in order to meet the goal of 85% answered calls. Average waiting time is also at a minimum, reason at 0. 012 hours or 0. 07 minutes. System Recommendation The current holler reservation system design does not allow callers to wait callers instead must attempt to reach a reservation agent when all agents are not occupied. Should callers reach the service line when all agents are busy they will be met with a busy signal. The management at RA is seeking to switch to an expand ed telephone system to combat this problem. Based on the calculations in the previous paragraphs, RA will need approximately 3 reservations agents to run an expanded phone system.Group 3 recommends that the company employ the multiple channels waiting line which consists of two or more service channels that are assumed to be identical in terms of service capability (Anderson, et. al. , 2012). Regional airlines could support at least a two-channel operation to service the needs of its customers. MANAGERIAL REPORT ASSUMPTIONS a. One call every 3. 75 minutes during 1000 a. m. to 1100 a. m. time period ? (average arrival time) = 60 minutes / 3. 75 minutes = 16 calls per hour b. Average service time of 3 minutes with each customer (service rate) = 60 minutes / 3 minutes = 20 calls per hour 1.An analysis of the current reservation system that does not allow callers to wait. How many reservation agents are needed to meet the service goal? With only one reservation agent, the probability t hat a caller will be blocked because of a busy signal is P1 = . 4444 ? o = ( ? / ? ) ? /0 i=0k ? /? i /i = ( 16 / 20 ) ? /0 (16/20)o / 0 + (16/20)1 /1 = . 5556 ?1 = ( ? / ? ) 1/0 i=1k ? /? 1 /i = ( 16 / 20 ) 1/0 (16/20)o / 0 + (16/20)1 /1 = . 4444 With two reservation agents, the probability that a caller will be blocked because of a busy signal is P2 = . 509. ?o = ( ? / ? ) ? /0 i=0k ? /? i /i = ( 16 / 20 ) ? /0 (16/20)o / 0 + (16/20)1 /1 + (16/20) 2 /2 = . 4717 ? 1 = ( ? / ? ) ? /0 i=0k ? /? i /i = ( 16 / 20 ) ? /1 (16/20)o / 0 + (16/20)1 /1 + (16/20) 2 /2 = . 3774 ? 2 = ( ? / ? ) ? /0 i=0k ? /? i /i = ( 16 / 20 ) ? /2 (16/20)o / 0 + (16/20)1 /1 + (16/20) 2 /2 = . 1509 Conclusion Regional Airlines current phone reservation system will answer an approximate of 85% of phone calls with two employed reservation agents. However, the other 15% will be blocked because of a busy signal.Customers who do not get a hold of an agent may not call back and contribute to negative customer servic e reaction and adversely affect the business. 2. An analysis of the expanded system proposed by the telephone company. How many agents are needed to meet the service goal? Proposed expanded system will allow callers to wait. Instead of being blocked when all lines are busy, customers can choose to stay on the line and calls will be answered in the order received. With only one reservation agent for Regional Airlines in the expanded system, 80% (Pw) of incoming calls will end up waiting. The average waiting time is also at 12 minutes (Wq).Cited numbers above show a horrendous system that is both undesirable and a business model doomed for failure. So in order for Regional Airlines to realize the benefits of the expanded system, it needs to employ two or more reservation agents. Po=1- ? /? = 1-1620=0. 20 Lq = ? 2 ? (? ? ) = 16 2 20 (20 16) = 3. 2 L =Lq + ? / = 3. +1620=4 wq+Lq / ? =3. 216=0. 20 hours=12 minutes W = wq + 1/ = 0. 20 + 1/20 = 0. 25 hours = 15 minutes Pw= =1620=0. 80=80 % At the planning meeting, Regional Airlines management team agreed that answering at least 85% of the calls is an acceptable customer service goal.This means that the probability of waiting will have to be 15% or less. Pw= 1k k k? k? ? Po k = 2 agents Pw= 12 16202 2 202 20- 16 0. 4286= 0. 2286 k = 3 agents Pw= 13 16203 3 203 20- 16 0. 4472= 0. 0520 Po=0. 4472 Lq=0. 0189 L=0. 8189 Wq=0. 0012 hours=0. 07 minutes W=0. 0512 hours=3. 97 minutes Using three agents clearly meets the companys goal. With three reservation agents, only 5% of the calls will be waiting, which is way below the 15% targeted cap in order to meet the goal of 85% answered calls. Average waiting time is also at a minimum, calculated at 0. 012 hours or 0. 07 minutes. 3. An analysis of the expanded system proposal by the telephone company. A representative from the telephone company suggested that Regional Airlines consider an expanded system that accommodates waiting. In the expanded system, when a customer calls a nd all agents are busy, a recorded message tells the customer that the call is being held in the order received and that an agent will be available shortly. The customer can stay on the line and listen to background medicament while waiting for an agent.Expanded System with waiting allowed Pw for 1 agent P0= (1-? /? ) 1-16/20=. 20 Lq= ? 2 =16(2)= 3. 2 ?(? ? ) =20(20-16) L= Lq+( ? /? )=3. 2 +(16/20)=4 Wq =(Lq/ ? )=3. 2/16=. 20 (12 minutes) W=Wq+(1/ ? )=. 20+ (1/20)= . 25 (15 minutes) Pw= ? /? = 16/20=. 80 Expanded System with waiting allowed Pw for 2 agents Pw=1/k ( ? /? )k k? / k? ? P0 1/2 (16/20)2 2(20)/2(20)-16 . 4286= . 2286 Expanded System with waiting allowed Pw for 3 agents 1/3 (16/20)3 3(20)/3(20)-16 . 4472= . 520 In order to use this system, Regional Airlines would have to use three agents to keep the customer service of 85% of the calls being answered immediately. The telephone arrival rate of incoming calls is expected to change from hour to hour. Describe how your wait ing line analysis could be used to develop a ticket staffing plan that would enable the company to provide different levels of staffing for the ticket reservation system at different times during the day. Indicate the information you would need to develop this staffing plan.This analysis only covers the 1000 AM 1100 AM time frame. As we have seen with the equations used, we have to have historical data for the other time frames. If the phone lines are open from 0800AM 0800 PM, we could use the data from each hour. Keeping with the 85% rate of phone calls being answered immediately for good customer service and the use of the limited amount of call agents required to save Regional Airlines money, after set ahead analysis, Regional Airlines will have the data need to make the best decisions for their company. 4. Staffing PlanIn order to develop a ticket agent staffing plan that would enable the company to provide different levels of staffing for the ticket reservation system at dif ferent times during the day, a similar simulation method and analysis used above are needed. By implementing the same application, the right number of reservation agents each hour can be determined. In addition to the number of agents used, it is also possible to use the same information to determine the regular and part-time shift schedules that meet the companys customer service goals.But in order for RA to do this, it needs the hourly average arrival rate for the whole day. 5. References Anderson, D. , Sweeney, D. , Williams, T. , Camm, J. , & Martin, K. (2012). An Introduction to Management erudition duodecimal Approaches to Decision Making. Mason, OH. South-Western Cengage Learning Graham, J. (2012). Think Like the Customer Or Lose the Sale. American Salesman, 57(4), 18-23. Srivastava, U. K. , Shenoy, G. V. & Sharma, S. C. (2005). Quantitative techniques for managerial decisions (2nd Edition). New Age International Publishers New Delhi.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

History of Zen and Japanese Gardens

The art of Japanese gardens dates back to at least 592 AD, during the reign of Empress Suiko. There is documented curtilage that suggests the art had actually been progressing long before then, because these early gardens were very well-developed. Early gardens contained artificial hills, ornamental pools, and more separate features of Japanese gardens today. The first major development in the history of Japanese gardens came in the Nara menstruum (646-794 AD), when trade with China began in earnest.This brought many changes to Japanese culture, and even more elaborate gardens in the castles of Japanis elite class. These gardens included animals, birds and fish to provide movement, and were used as sites for feasts and parties given by noblemen. As the fascination with other cultures began to wear off in the Heian period (794-1185 AD), those who could afford to build gardens had a renewed interest in traditional Japanese styles and customs. This change brought an elegant mix of Chinese customs and Japanese style to gardens, know as Shinden.The layout of these gardens was dictated by myth and legend for example, streams had to run from east to west because in ancient Chinese lore, the East was the source of purity and the West was the outlet of impurities. Japanese garden. Not many changes were do to the Shinden style until the middle of the Kamakura period (1185-1392) when Zen Buddhist priests began creating gardens for meditation instead of merely for entertainment. Decorativeness was played cut out in favor of meditative qualities gardens in this era tended to include stones, water and evergreens, remaining constant passim the year.This minimalist theory was carried to even greater extremes in the Muromachi and Higashiyama periods (1392-1573) when gardens contained only stones. Created in the style of the monochrome landscape paintings popular during the time, these gardens used specially picked stones as metaphors for objects in nature. Also develop ed during this time was the flat garden, or the Hira-niwa. During the Momoyama period, most likely as a reaction to the frugality of the Zen garden design, royal gardens at one time again became vibrant and lush.These gardens were full of hills, waterfalls, and a variety of plants. However, the old Zen tradition lived on in tea gardens. Walking gardens were invented, constructed so as to be pleasing to the eye from any angle, and paths had to be weave into the structure of the garden itself. The result, right up to the modern day, is a great variety in Japanese gardens. From Zen rock gardens to tea gardens to walking gardens, the art of Japanese gardens is still very much alive.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Nutrition and Dietetics Proposal-Discussion/Conclusion

IntroductionThe main aim of this project was to assess the relationship of CVD risk factors and pabulum in Cuban Americans. More specifically, this project was aimed to see the k nary(prenominal)ledge of ezed 3 greasy sharp with CVD biomarkers, homocysteine and CRP in Cuban Americans with and without type 2 diabetes. These aims were targeted with the views to providing information on cardiovascular disease risk factors and its experience with diet and type 2 diabetes.The results suggested positive association mingled with izzard 3 butterball panelling andhomocysteine quartiles, suggesting the significant role of omega 3 butterball acids in the regulation of homocysteine level. However, the association of omega 3 juicy acid was not effectuate with CRP levels, which suggested the very little or no role of omega 3 superfatted acid in lowering the level of CRP. Moreover, diabetic status was not establish to be associated with either homocysteine quartiles or CRP levels. T his finding concluded that homocysteine and CRP may not be involved in regulating the blood circulating blood sugar.The result of the statistical t-test showed that waist circumference was directly associated with diabetes, which indicated corpulency as a major indicator of diabetes. This finding support several other previous findings that canvas the association between obesity and type 2 diabetes (Daousi, et.al. 2006 and Yajnik and Ganpule, 2010).Interestingly, another CVD risk factor, total blood cholesterol was found to be significantly higher(prenominal) in non-diabetics. However, whether high-density lipoprotein or LDL was higher non-diabetics was not measured, making it difficult to draw any conclusion from this finding. Other factors, such as BMI, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, were not found to be associated with diabetes. These results seemed slightly contradictory as previous studies have found the correlation between these parameters and diabetes (Bays, et.al. 2007 and Mancia, 2005)., Interestingly, linkage was found between diabetes and glycosylate haemoglobin and omega 3 fatty acids, which suggested the hint of thee tow factor in diabetes risk. These findings corroborate with similar other findings. Edelman, et.al (2013) reported that high level of HbA1c was associated with higher incidence of type 2 diabetes. Similarly, another canvas by Virtanen, et.al (2013) suggested that intake of long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid was associated with long-term lower risk of type 2 diabetes.Furthermore, the results showed no association between CRP and diabetes, which contradicted the incendiary pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes (Muqabo and Renier, 2010). Another important finding was that diabetic status was directly associated with the distribution of homocysteine quartiles, which supported the previous findings by Ndrepepa, et.al (2008) and Badiou, et.al (2012) as explained earlier.Relationship between omega 3 fatty acid and homocys teineThis study showed positive association between omega 3 fatty acid and homocysteine level, suggesting the role of omega 3 fatty acids in regulating the level of homocysteine in the torso. As discussed earlier, homocysteine is an important biomarker of CVD and control of which may minify the risk of CVD. These findings support previous finding by Kulkarni, et.al (2011) who canvas the association of omega 3 fatty acid with homocysteine concentrations. In the study they found that altered omega 3 fatty acids (mainly docosahexaenoic acid) may confidential information to increased homocysteine concentration. However, majority of studies have focused on the association between omega 3 fatty acids and other CVD markers such as LDL, blood sugar and clotting factors (Yeh, et.al. 2009 Etherton, et.al. 2002). Thus, further long term studies should be done to unravel the possible association between omega 3 fatty acid and homocysteine.Limitations in spite of some interesting findings, t he study had few limitations. The association of omega 3 fatty acids with homocysteine and CRP was only studied in diabetics and non-diabetics. The study would have given much cle atomic number 18r conclusion if the implication of omega 3 fatty acids and its biomarkers was also investigated in CVD patients. Moreover, although the study found the correlation between cholesterol and diabetes, it did not assess whether HDL or LDL had greater implication in diabetics.Clinical implications of the findings and future researchDiabetes and CVD disease are two chronic conditions that are the major killers among all the diseases. Preventive measures and early diagnosis remains the draw for proper management of the disease. This study suggests the beneficial role of omega 3 fatty acids in diabetes and cardiovascular disease. More so, the study also showed the association of omega 3 fatty acids with CVD markers such as homocysteine, cholesterol, as well as diabetes marker such as HbA1c. Thus, people who are at risk of evolution CVD and diabetes can be encouraged to intake diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids. But , the association of omega 3 fatty acid with inflammatory maker, CRP remained inconclusive. Also, whether increased homocysteine in diabetics was associated with CVD was beyond the scope of this project and demands further studies. Future studied should be done to see the effects of omega 3 fatty acids in altering homocysteine level and CRP in CVD patients.ReferencesBays, H.E., Chapman, R.H., Grandy, S. & SHIELD Investigators Group 2007, The relationship of body mass index to diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure and dyslipidaemia comparison of data from two national surveys, International journal of clinical practice, vol. 61, no. 5, pp. 737-747.Daousi, C., Casson, I.F., Gill, G.V., MacFarlane, I.A., Wilding, J.P. & Pinkney, J.H. 2006, Prevalence of obesity in type 2 diabetes in secondary care association with cardiovascular risk factors, Postgraduate medical jo urnal, vol. 82, no. 966, pp. 280-284.Edelman, D., Olsen, M.K., Dudley, T.K., Harris, A.C. &Oddone, E.Z. 2004, Utility of hemoglobin A1c in predicting diabetes risk, ledger of general internal medicine, vol. 19, no. 12, pp. 1175-1180.Etherton, P.M.K., Harris, W.S andAppel, L.J, 2002. AHA Scientific Statement. Fish Consumption, Fish Oil, Omega-3 suety Acids, and Cardiovascular infirmity, vol. 106, pp. 2747-2757.Kulkarni, A., Mehendale, S., Pisal, H., Kilari, A., Dangat, K., Salunkhe, S., Taralekar, V. & Joshi, S. 2011, Association of omega-3 fatty acids and homocysteine concentrations in pre-eclampsia, Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland), vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 60-64.Mancia, G. 2005, The association of hypertension and diabetes prevalence, cardiovascular risk and protection by blood pressure reduction, ActaDiabetologica, vol. 42 Suppl 1, pp. S17-25.Mugabo, Y., Li, L. &Renier, G. 2010, The connection between C-reactive protein (CRP) and diabetic vasculopathy. Focus on preclinical findings, Current diabetes reviews, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 27-34.Virtanen, J.K., Mursu, J., Voutilainen, S., Uusitupa, M. &Tuomainen, T.P. 2013, Serum Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and jeopardy of Incident Type 2 Diabetes in Men The Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk factor Study, Diabetes care.Yajnik, C.S. &Ganpule-Rao, A.V. 2010, The obesity-diabetes association what is different in indians?, The international journal of lower extremity wounds, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 113-115.Yeh, E, Wood, R.D, Leeson, S and Squires, E.J, 2009.British poultry science. Effect of dietary omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids on clotting activities of Factor V, VII and X in fatty liver haemorrhagic syndrome-susceptible laying hens, vol. 50, no.3, pp. 582-392.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Puppy Love Essay

Every day there are animals that are abused and neglected by inwardnessless individuals. We bear by the quote, A dog is a mans beaver friend. But how is it that one can do such horrid things to a best friend? Puppy mills, animal hoarders, and careless owners are only a a couple of(prenominal) of the biggest contributors to this horrific eachy criminal act. It breaks my heart to drive to school frequent and be greeted by an animal out on the road flat than a pancake, or just roaming most looking for scraps of food and darting away anytime a tiny kid sticks its head out and shouts, Oh, what a cute doggy And around where I live it is, sadly, an everyday scene.My next door neighbors, whom I classify to be careless pet owners, exemplify what I imagine everywhere. Their house is falling apart on top of them. The sewer tank leaks and feeds the steroid-like pricker plants that cover intimately of the backyard. They have 3 puppies of different breeds, from the same mother. I know, it sounds improbable, but I had seen the mother a few times before, when I drove aside their house. Let me tell you, she was not the cutest dog on the major planet Anyhow, after discovering my neighbors had puppies in their backyard, it came to mind that I had not seen the mother dog running around for the divulgeping point few days. I asked with concern, Where is their mother? My neighbor replied with, She died. I found that statement hard to believe. She was so protective that I found that statement very hard to believe. That claim seemed to be vastly illogical.So anyway, for the past 3 months give or take my family and I have been setting out fresh body of water everyday, because we know that they hop the wall either to explore or leave us little presents all over the front yard. Two of the puppies have long fur, which has become matted in several places around their bodies. In addition, on a regular basis my mom has to cut the prickers that have become entangle in their li ttle paws, around their lips, and buried in their belly. It is very traumatizing to have to see them live in this well I guess you could consider it to be a sewer pit.Over the summer I had volunteered over at the community animal shelter out of my desire to help out with the animals. Upon my reach to Pet Guardian Angel, what I thought was breathing out to be a very rewarding hold out where I felt that I was contributing to a good cause, became to be very disheartening. There were so many animals stuck in cages, in their own filth, terrified of military personnel contact and so needy of the human contact they were afraid of. The smell of ammonia made my eyes water and made me witness roughly unwell for several hours after I left over(p) the premises. I wondered what the chances were that these helpless beings would find a winning home out here, where the bulk of their peers lived in the same ugly circumstances. Not very good. I left depressed and uncertain if I wanted to come back, but feeling guilty for considering not going back.I feel a great passion for dogs, in particular, who, through no fault of their own, live in filth and know no human kindness for their entire lives. I also feel a great sense of futility. This wont change until people change their hearts and stop thinking of just themselves, and start unselfishly putting the welfare of the helpless first.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

A society & dominated Essay

In a association dominated by pop finishing, fashion always comes into play. For pop culture always requires novelty, and people has to get up with the trends as time changes. Fashion has affected almost all aspect of the Homo sapiens way of living for it is the key to change. And because fashion takes many forms as time changes it had even infiltrated our mindset in setting a normal for a good physiquethe very idea of aphrodisiac per se. In line with this, two writers discuss how fashion has greatly affected the psyche of both male and feminine of this generation as to how they perceive the image of a sexy person.Andrea Heiman in her article When a rage Does a Body Harm and Rita Kemplys article Boys and the Beefcake Images have pointed out that fashion has created a venue for other people to abuse their body and to live an unhealthy lifestyle. That is girls starving themselves to death to look suddenly thin and boys excessively using steroids to live up to the very concept of machismo today. Both Heiman and Kemply agree that a change in fashion as subject to the body form of both men and women has live on hazardous to health.However the two authors have taken different sides to explain why this scenario happens. On the star hand Heiman, the feminist said that women starved themselves to death because being thin has become the epitome of flavour really good to most men. As women strive to be part of the arena dominated by men, fashion has created ways to repress them. By looking frail men still claims their superiority everywhere women. On the other hand Kemply perceive that the primary reason why men use steroids to produce the so-called masculine image is that they are being sound out with their physicality.Kemply said that women have created a standard that most men look attractive when they have muscles, lean body and no beer bellies. Both authors were adequate to(p) to explain how fashion can become hazardous to ones health. However it is n ot salubrious that the reason why these circumstances happen is blamed on the perception of male and female toward the holy man look of a sexy body. For both genders are just victims of the so called pop culture. Moreover, pop culture has their psyche conditioned to that kind of notion to a point that their self-esteem becomes low.People should not judge a person based on how he or she looks. A standard of looking sexy should not be made for it is not the physical aspects of a person that counts most when we are essay to build a healthy relationship. In addition, fashion should be the melting pot of change that could avail every regardless of gender. It should not be the key to affect the mentality of everyone that would cause to detrimental do to our body.

Answers to Cases Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Answers to Cases - Essay ExampleThe toxic plume caused massive kill of birds and fish. more thanover, it bemire the drinking water of almost 2.5 million people. Acid mine drainage is a nonher negative resolution of favorable extraction. This can affect the environment for a long term period if the regimes and communities do not take any kind of initiative. Stakeholder Theory Approach This case study is focused on negative impact of money mining on the environment. A business firm can address to several(prenominal)(prenominal) opinion of different stakeholders linked with a particular issue through a stakeholder approach. There argon twain stakeholder categories namely market and non-market stakeholders. This part of the report will discuss about the contribution of these two types of stakeholders. Market Sh atomic physique 18holders In this particular case shareholders, employees and customers can be considered as the market stakeholders. Employees and the customers are cons idered as the key stakeholders of an organization. The workers of gold mining company know that using huge earth moving machines and monstrous fickle materials can crate risk to their health. This environmental conflict can force the employees to raise their region against the gold mining process. On the other hand, shareholders always try to buy the share of these companies as gold is considered as one of the expensive surfaces. Customers also try to consume gold as the demand of this metal will continuously increase in future. Non-Market Shareholders Government, communities and several non-governmental organizations are considered as the non market stakeholders. It is important for the government to develop several environmental policies and laws for the gold mining organizations to reduce the level of environment pollution. Huge explosive materials and Cyanide heap-leaching is causing death of mankind and animals (Lottermoser, 2010, p.27). Ultimately, the ecological balance a nd safety of community is getting touch on due to these gold mining activities. Community is another important stakeholder. Several villages and communities near the gold mines are getting affected. The villagers do not understand danger of the several collected hazardous liquid metals. More than 1000 individuals became ill due to the deadly effect of these metals. The nongovernmental organizations are also considered as the non market stakeholders. The gold mining organizations are hard to utilize several deadly mining materials to extract more number of gold metals. Several business support group are helping these organizations to secure the profit mete and financial stability. These activities are ultimately affecting the environment and health of several world beings and non-human animals. However, government is trying to initiate several awareness campaigns in order to the environmental conflict with the help of several NGOs. Stakeholder chromosome mapping Several gold min ing organizations are using Cyanide heap-leaching and heavy earth mover to increase their gold mining. Cyanide is a deadly poison. The waste water and materials are generally spilled into the river. It causes death of several birds and fish. On the other hand, process of metal extraction seriously pollutes the air. It can cause several human diseases. The following stakeholder map will help to determine the position of all the stakeholders, such as employees,