Saturday, February 29, 2020
Bridge Syllabus 2012-2013 Essay Example for Free (#2012)
Bridge Syllabus 2012-2013 Essay 4. Course Overview: Welcome! This course is designed for entering students who plan to major in biology at IUPUI. The overall goal is to facilitate your entry into IUPUI, and help you succeed in college. We will be building on academic skills you already have and introducing you to the many resources available at IUPUI. During the summer, you will be part of the Summer Bridge, and will participate in activities with other groups of students. During the fall, we will be a section of Windows on Science (Science learning community, section 10316) which is a one credit course. The last meeting of the Windows on Science will be October 25, when we register for Spring 2013 classes. As part of the IUPUI bridge program, we will concentrate on introducing you to the campus and preparing you for college-level coursework. This class will use Oncourse (oncourse. iu. edu) to post grades, make announcements, etc. During the summer and fall you will meet several people in the School of Science, including at least one of the professors teaching one of your fall classes. These meetings will be quite informal and allow you to learn more about science, and about the courses they teach and what it takes to succeed in them. It will also make it easier to go to them for help if you need it later. 5. Research Projects: Most of you know that science is based on lots of accumulated knowledge, but you may not realize it also requires the ability to imagine what comes next, and/or innovative ways to use and transmit that knowledge to others. During the summer and fall you will work independently on three projects designed to introduce you to the culture and creativity of science, and the value of both imagination and knowledge. Two of the projects will be done as individuals working on subjects of their own choosing, and the third will be the whole class working on a single topic. To assist you with these projects you will be introduced to the university’s library system, the writing center (college-level writing), and the communication department (college-level oral presentations). These will help you not only with the bridge projects but later with Eng-W 131 and Comm-R 110, the composition and communication courses required for almost every major at IUPUI. Both of the individual projects will end with an oral presentation that will also include power point slides – if you need help with power point just ask either the mentor or Dr. Ulbright for help. The first individual research project (Imagination) will focus on the role of imagination in scientific work. For this research project you will select a problem involving society or your community and come up with a novel idea of how you could use science to solve it. This problem can be economic, social, ecological, health or any other category – the choice is yours. The solution can be as real-world or as imaginative as you wish but it must be at least partly based on some real science. This will culminate on August 15 or 16 with a short (3 -5 minutes long) oral presentation and a short (250 word) paper. In both the presentation and the paper you should †¢ explain what the problem is †¢ explain why you chose it †¢ describe your solution with relevant details †¢ suggest what should be considered in designing the solution(s) †¢ note any new problem(s) that you think your solution might cause. The second individual research project (Knowledge) will let you become an expert in one area where science has a covert or overt community impact. You will briefly discuss how and what areas of science are involved, and probably will want to choose a topic you can relate to your proposed major and/or career. On August 23 or 30 you will give a five-minute talk about your topic, including at least 6 PowerPoint slides. On August 23 you will hand in a 250 word summary/essayg;ER. g’Erglo on it. As part of this project you will learn how to use the electronic library resources for college-level research and literature searches. During bridge you will be introduced to the IUPUI library resources and as part of this project you will find two (2) pertinent research articles and one non-peer-reviewed but credible source dealing with your subject. You may not use Wikipedia, or any dictionary or encyclopedia. The third, whole-class project (Service) will have two parts – both will use your media and technology skills, plus your knowledge of biology. The class will decide on the two projects they will do. For the first project, which will be done during Bridge, there is a choice of working with 2nd grade or high school subjects. For both, the idea is to create an exercise covering a required science topic and making science interesting. Besides media skills, this will draw on your imagination, and your ideas of what students like. We have lists of topics for both grade levels. The second project, which we will do once the semester starts, is to create tutorial presentations to help high school students master some of the tougher concepts in biology – for example, the biochemistry of photosynthesis, meiosis, etc. This project will also help many of our bridge students because these subjects are covered in K101. We will try to finish both projects by September 29 (depends on when the selected topics are covered in K101). For extra credit, members of the Bridge class will visit the 2nd grade classroom. 6. Bridge Scrapbook – during the fall semester the class will select pictures from the Bridge and fall semester images, and create a power point â€Å"scrapbook†. Students will work in the teams they had for their scavenger hunt. This is due Oct 18. 7. Goals: The goals of this Bridge/Window course include: †¢ To help you develop the skills for success in college. Should you have any concerns about physical, academic or other challenges you may face as you start college, we will help you learn about solutions and assistance available to you at IUPUI and make every effort to assist you in making your Bridge and first year experience successful. †¢ To develop a group of friends who will be in some of your classes †¢ To share information on campus resources. †¢ To provide a context for assessing interests, values, and abilities so you can make the most of your time at the university. †¢ To provide a place for students to establish a support network at the University, including faculty, staff, librarians, and students. †¢ To introduce students to the IUPUI Principles of Undergraduate Learning. †¢ To enhance understanding and respect for values and practices of the academic community, including respect for diversity, the open exchange of ideas, collegiality, and academic and scientific integrity. 8. Course Requirements: †¢ Attend class regularly, be on time, and actively participate in class discussions and activities, including fieldtrips. If you must be absent, notify the instructor (Ulbright) before class. †¢ Complete the four projects. For the Imagination and Knowledge projects, present your work as an oral presentation that includes PowerPoint. For the knowledge project – submit a 250 essay summarizing what you learned. For the two Service â€Å"Teaching Science†projects, work with the class to complete and submit your part by the due dates. †¢ Learn how to use technologies such as Oncourse and information resources. †¢ Complete assignments and submit them by the due date. †¢ Submit daily journals and other assignments via Oncourse. †¢ Meet with the faculty member at least once before October 1. †¢ Meet the student mentor outside of class before October 1. †¢ Meet with the advisor and complete your preliminary academic plan by October 11, 2012. Submit your proposed schedule (OneStart shopping cart) by October 18. †¢ Register for spring 2013 on October 25, 2012. †¢ Attend two campus activities/events. †¢ Shadow or interview someone working in a job you are considering as your career or that is similar (we may do this during one of our class periods) †¢ There is NO FINAL EXAM in Windows – yay! 9. Grades: Assignments, attendance, journals and exercises during Bridge will be part of your Windows grade. Graded components will include: †¢ Imagination Project – 40 points †¢ Knowledge Project – 100 points †¢ Service Project – 100 points †¢ Meeting with advisor to plan spring schedule prior to Oct 11 – 25 points †¢ Meeting with student mentor during September – 20 points †¢ Meeting with faculty mentor before Oct. 1 – 20 points †¢ Journals – 10 points each †¢ Attendance – 10 points per class meeting (including Bridge) †¢ Registration – 20 points †¢ Career Shadowing – 20 points. †¢ Campus events/activities – 10 points each (you may do additional ones for extra credit) †¢ Career Assignment – 20 points †¢ Time Management – 10 points †¢ Scrapbook – 15 points †¢ Other assignments will be announced Grade Scale: A = 90% and above of possible points B = 80% C = 70% D = 60% F = less than 60% 10. Basic Policies Attendance: As you begin your college career at IUPUI, attending your courses regularly and on time will be vital to becoming a successful student. You have made a significant commitment to yourself, your college, your classmates, and your professors to be involved in the classes for which you have enrolled. Students who are present and participate are best able to learn; those who regularly attend class, come prepared and on time, and participate are also in the best position to demonstrate what they have learned. Since your college career begins with the Summer Bridge, we encourage you to make attendance and arrival times a priority. Admission in the Summer Academy is a privilege; therefore, we expect perfect attendance. We also expect you to arrive to your classes on time and stay for the full day. If you are not willing to commit to perfect attendance and arriving to class on time, then we would like to offer your seat in the program to someone who is committed. Only documented absences for genuine emergencies will be excusable, and there will be grade penalties for incomplete participation and tardiness. With traffic, parking, etc. you might have trouble getting to class on time, so being 15 minutes late once will be overlooked. After the first late arrival, each time you arrive late or leave early you will lose the points for that class meeting. For each unexcused absence during the fall semester your grade will be lowered by 1/3 (for example, from an A to an A-). In addition, if you miss more than two class meetings during the first four weeks of the fall semester without a valid excuse you will be administratively withdrawn from the fall part of the class (Windows on Science). Administrative withdrawal may have academic, financial aid, and financial implications. Since it occurs after the refund period has ended you will not be eligible for a refund, and it will be difficult to add a class to replace the credit hour. If you have questions about the administrative withdrawal or attendance policies at any point in the semester, please contact me (Dr. Ulbright). Please keep in close touch with me if you are unable to attend class or complete an assignment on time – together we can usually find a solution. Civility and Conduct: Both Bridge and Windows should provide students the opportunity to understand and practice behaviors which support their learning and that of others within an atmosphere of mutual respect. This should include expectations related to respect for the rights of others, acceptance of one’s responsibilities as a member of a community of learners, and the practice of academic integrity, such as the following from the IUPUI Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities,and Conduct [http://www. iupui. edu/code]: The University has certain expectations as to the civility of our campus community. Among those values is fostering a climate of civility and mutual respect regardless of race, gender, age, or status in the institution. IUPUI has achieved much of its promise as an urban university because we work together toward common ends. Because the university is so complex and diverse, however, we will not always agree with one another. When we disagree it must be done with civility. We encourage everyone to speak and act judiciously and with respect for one another. Also among our values are academic freedom and an open exchange of ideas and opinions. However, when there are messages displayed that promote divisiveness in our academic community we have an obligation to condemn those messages as being antithetical to our university ideals and sense of shared responsibility for each other’s welfare. If we are to be true to our commitment to diversity and be welcoming to all, everyone must do his or her part. We know the terrible legacy of unopposed statements of racial divisiveness and diatribe. If we don’t discourage such statements, they become insidiously acceptable and poison the climate of trust and respect we strive to maintain. When apathy leads us to permit discrimination or harassment because we ourselves are not objects of such behavior, we have failed our community. No set of rules or policies can wholly govern human conduct. Civility is a fragile construct that each of us must cherish and preserve. Academic Integrity and Plagiarism: IUPUI has high expectations of its students. Academic and personal misconduct by students is defined and will be dealt with according to the procedures specified in the IUPUI Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct [http://www. iupui. edu/code]. There are five fundamental values that this academic community expects: honesty, fairness, respect, responsibility and trust. It is important for students to be aware of the expectations of IUPUI regarding individual course work, including Oncourse assignments and examinations. Students should be aware of the rules which govern their behavior, both on and off campus, and aware of the consequences of making poor choices. Instructors have tools available through Oncourse which enable monitoring of their activity within the virtual classroom and programs such as Turnitin to detect plagiarism, and these tools can be used as evidence of academic misconduct. Please consider that holding yourself to high standards of academic integrity in your college work will likely be important to you in some way in your future. Academic dishonesty limits the amount of actual learning you can accomplish – not learning material well in a one class means you are poorly prepared for the next class and may later effect your job performance in the future – regardless of whether you are â€Å"caught†or not. We hope the person calculating the dosage of radiation you will receive really did earn that â€Å"A†in Physics. Class Etiquette: The first-year seminar course is structured to be a time for learning within a civil framework. Inappropriate talking, eating, texting or working on other coursework during the class session should be avoided. Inappropriate student behavior not conducive to the proper functioning of the class will be identified and dealt with immediately. Tentative Fall Schedule 2012 Windows (Bridge) Section 10316 Room BS 3012 Thursdays 3:00 – 4:50pm August 23 IUPUI resources (online and on-campus), time to work on Service project, First set of Knowledge Orals. August 30 Rest of Knowledge Orals September 6 Medical Museum September 13 Service Project and Advising September 20 TBA September 27 Role of Science in American Culture, Ethics and Science October 4 Principles of Undergraduate Education, Professional and Graduate Programs October 11 Eiteljorg Museum; Career Assignment due October 18 Study abroad, Next semester’s profs, Scrapbook and Schedules with sections due October 25 Registration, Pizza, Last Class. Bridge Syllabus 2012-2013. (2016, Sep 23).
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Enviromental impact assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Enviromental impact assessment - Essay Example In line with sustainable development and to avoid future conflicts, the project has incorporated environmental concerns at every stage and has conducted a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment and prepared a feasible Environmental Management Plan that addresses environmental concerns, land use conflicts as well as environmental conservation and protection measures. Need for the project The project was initiated to exploit the economic potential of the growing population of West Midlands through the provision of business premises that would promote commerce and trade while at the same time providing the residents with jobs and giving them a whole new shopping experience. It was also motivated by the need to provide environmentally friendly, flexible, modern and cost effective public buildings and business premises. As had been established by a previous survey sponsored by the proponent eight years ago, the project is long overdue. Shirley town in West Midlands has a shortage o f adequate and spacious retail outlets, business and residential premises to serve the demands of the growing population and booming economy. Parkgate retail and residential project will be constructed in Shirley town centre in West Midlands. ... There will also be landscaped gardens and a drive way, guard house situated next to the main gate, water reticulation system with a water pump, and overhead tanks, toilets, storm water drainage system, sewage drainage system, and electricity supply systems. All units fully serviced. The selected property is in a fast developing area within West Midlands. Legal framework The project and the Environmental Impact Assessment takes into account the procedure for conducting EIA as set out in Council Directive 85/337/EEC 1985 as amended by council directive 97/11/EC 1997 and are currently being implemented throughout the United Kingdom through the town and county planning (Environmental Impact Assessment )Regulations 1999. In line with the existing legislations, this Environmental Impact Assessment gives a detailed plan on the following aspects of construction projects: The expected environmental impacts of the project and the interventions to be taken during and after the project. A compre hensive plan to ensure health and safety of the workers, the neighbouring community and those who access the site as well as a framework for the prevention and management of accidents. The economic and sociocultural impacts of the project to the local community and the nation at large. The location of the project and the physical area that may be affected by project activities. The materials to be used, the products and the by products as well as waste to be generated and the methods of disposal. Apart from local legislation, the project will also take into account the ILO Conventions ratified by the UK government include the safety and health recommendation of 1988, minimum age conventions of 1973, the recruitment of
Sunday, February 9, 2020
How to Introduce My Interests in a College Essay
How to Introduce My Interests in a College EssayLearning how to introduce my interests in a college essay is essential for the purpose of starting college, and when one does so, many of the obstacles that lie ahead are smoothed away. Taking college essays seriously is something that most students overlook, and when this happens, it could be seen as a sign that the student lacks the motivation needed to tackle the academic rigors of college life. When this happens, however, one has the ability to overcome these obstacles with confidence and doing so can be accomplished with the proper direction and preparation.If you want to learn how to introduce my interests in a college essay, it would help to understand the tasks that go into writing a college essay. The majority of college-essay topics are straightforward and only include an average of two hundred and fifty words, while making a direct connection between the ideas in the essay and the major facts of the essay. By cutting out the parts that don't have an actual impact on the student's success, the focus of the essay becomes clearer, and as a result, the essay is more effective.In order to determine which essay topic you are best suited for, it is important to assess the material that you will encounter. Many students are focused on how much they can cut out, while others may be concerned with making sure the information flows clearly, or making sure that it's relevant. It is important to determine your level of preparation and start with the most basic material, as the more difficult topics are going to require additional preparation, which can often be in the form of extra research.Writing resumes is a great way to prepare for the upcoming year, as it is an experience that will bring much needed experiences and skills to the table, especially when it comes to editing. When writing resumes, it is important to realize that not every resume requires the same attention, and knowing which job to write about in t he resume and which areas to leave out can make a huge difference. Taking some time to figure out what you're looking for and how to express yourself in a resume can go a long way toward learning how to introduce my interests in a college essay.There are many things to consider when determining how to introduce my interests in a college essay. The first thing to do is see how the student has dealt with essay topics in the past. Once you know this, try to apply what you have learned and see if there is any common ground in the essay. If there is a common theme, this can be used to connect the ideas together and convey a clear sense of what the reader can expect from the piece.The best way to learn how to introduce my interests in a college essay is to find a course or program where you can put some time in. There are many options available, and the specifics can vary depending on which college you attend. It is important to do a little research to ensure that the program is right for you, though. While many programs do have in-class discussion areas and tutoring for students who need extra assistance, others do not offer any additional services, and while these programs may be able to help you gain additional insight into how to introduce my interests in a college essay, it may not be as effective as a program that offers this.If you're thinking about taking college essays seriously, then learning how to introduce my interests in a college essay is essential. The more work you put into writing the essay, the more confident you'll be when it comes time to present it in front of the class. The more confident you are, the more likely you are to get a better grade.
Friday, February 7, 2020
The Run Down on Best Controversial Topics Argumentative Essay Exposed
The Run Down on Best Controversial Topics Argumentative Essay Exposed The New Fuss About Best Controversial Topics Argumentative Essay Try out essay be specific by focusing on a specific part of an overall matter. It's better to remember an argument isn't a rant. Argumentative essay is about arguing and debating on a subject, which is debatable. Writing a winning argument essay may appear tough, but knowing more than only the basics can make all of the difference. It's important to select debatable argumentative essay topics as you need opposing points that you are able to counter to your own points. What are your best choice for having a professionally written essay that will get you the very best grades in almost no time. If you must compose your whole essay in 1 day, do your very best to give yourself breaks so you don't burn out. There is far more to writing a winning argument essay than simply a great structure. You will find plenty of good argumentative essay exam ples on the net. In order to earn an effect on the reader, it's critical that you attempt to pick out good argumentative essay topics. Argumentative research paper topics are a whole lot simpler to find than to produce. Order a fantastic instance of argumentative essay online! Moral argumentative essay topics are a few of the simplest to get carried away with. Make sure to create your essay controversial. Argumentative essays are a few of the best that you can write as a student. An argumentative essay is a certain kind of academic writing. After you decide on a topic then compose an impressive assignment essay paper by obeying the suitable structure of an argumentative essay. Having selected an excellent topic to argue about, at this point you need to make an argumentative essay outline. Once you have selected your topic, begin making your essay. Figure out how to compose a great argumentative essay and select the very best topic for you! Best Controversial Topics Argumentative Essay Explained Each argument ought to be supported with evidence comprising facts, stats, etc. You're able to restate your argument, which is a rather common practice amongst essayists. It's a particular type of essay that presents clear arguments about each side of a problem. Awinning argument essay comprises some very important techniques that you're going to want to use, so continue reading. There are lots of aspects about a sport which can be argued in an essay. Professional essay writers at 5staressays can help you, in the even t you're looking for specialists to guide you. Argumentative essay topics are so important since they are debatableand it's critical to at all times be critically contemplating the world around us. If you need assistance with research paper, you may use essay writing services. You have to explain the way your evidence matches up with what you need to say. All these subjects are found and strongly related society that's modern. Each one among these subjects are found and highly pertinent to society. You must just just take among the top rated argumentative essay subjects people are referring to you may easier find facts and proof to back up your standpoint. Argumentative essays are among the most common tasks assigned to modern students. When you're prepared to develop a thesis, take a look at these Argumentative Thesis Statement Examples. When you would like to decide on these topics, you must get to the rightful sources. Best Controversial Topics Argumentative Essay - Wh at Is It? Before presenting a specific argument, make certain that it's strong enough to convince the reader. Relevant Topics that are related to your society will engage the reader in the finest possible way. English language classes usually take a lot of writing. English language good usually want a lot of writing. There are many steps which you should take so as to compose a superb essay. The trick to scoring well with these kinds of topics is that the writer knows the health care facts. Avoid Wikipediait isn't always accurate. Lies You've Been Told About Best Controversial Topics Argumentative Essay In this kind of situation, it's more convenient to locate ready-made essays and use them as an example. The success of your essay is in the ideal selection of the topic. Essay certain that the topic is not overly wide. Argumentative essay topics can be viewed everywhere in our everyday routine. Read the list and stay in mind that interesting topics are an ideal way for an intriguing assignment. There are occasions once the teacher themselves assign the topics, but it's not needed. Argumentative writings is a particular sort of a paper. With the assistance of our tips for writing and our interesting collection of topics, you're guaranteed to have a high grade! You may take a topic as it's related to your discipline or you can make your own topic by combining 2-3 topics. Make certain that the topics is not overly broad. You're able to modify the topics or use them since they are. Your topics address won't be published.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
The Basic Facts of Pretend Your a Refugee Writing Essay
The Basic Facts of Pretend Your a Refugee Writing Essay The war has gotten very bad with huge numbers of people dying. In the last few years, with the African political situation is easing and the financial situation started to improve, individuals seem to believe that everything will be OK. It is projected that millions of Syrian folks are residing in Diaspora. The party carries on, however, and there's dancing and wine, things which are strictly forbidden by the regime. Life After Pretend Your a Refugee Writing Essay Let's try a small exercise. Speak to us and learn how our customized college essay service program can aid you. The idea of the short-term sustainability might also be impacted by public opinion, since the money provided comes from the public purse. It might be a story for example, about how she was not so very good at math in 3rd grade. Pretend Your a Refugee Writing Essay Help! The host country also faces a great deal of consequences like financial strain because it is made to provide for the requirements of the refugees. A few of these refugees will dwell in these conditions for their entire life and others might have a brief stay after moving to some other country. Rather than the child based on the parent, the parent is dependent upon the kid. The second part will consider a number of the reasons for the circumstance. Furthermore, the issue is aggravated by the simple fact that almost all of them are exposed to an environment that's dehumanizing as it's characterized by lack of some human wants and isolation. There are many complicated reasons that cause the issue of refugee and there's no easy remedy to it. The issue with this statue is it puts limitations on who is considered a true refugee. This culminated in a superb event at the current Nottingham Poetry Festival. Children are denied their rights in addition to basic needs. In the uk World Refugee Day is celebrated as a member of Refugee Week. Marjane's father doesn't wish to leave Iran because he'd lose his social status. For that reason, it's required to examine the longer term economic effect of the refugees on Germany. In Germany, there are a number of additional long-term issues to think about. Contrary to what most people think, there's a very rigorous screening process already in place for refugees entering the usa. The Debate Over Pretend Your a Refugee Writing Essay Relatively backward economic conditions lead to the simple fact that the proportion of poor folks in Africa is much more than that in different continents. So, even though there is an emerging tendency on the section of the European Union to form a coherent policy concerning the migration crisis, there's also a countervailing tendency on the portion of at least some individual nations to care for the matter as a national and not a European matter. From this profile, there's a fantastic potential for many Syrian refugees to produce substantial lo ng-term contributions towards, but there are a few considerable unknown variables, the prospective value could possibly be affected by the skill levels of the refugees (Bonin, 2014). Balkans refugee problems brought on by the ethnic conflicts are very bad too. Facts, Fiction and Pretend Your a Refugee Writing Essay At the current time, a crucial priority clearly is made up of developing such a framework. This is known as dependency reversal. Within this context sustainability denotes the capacity of the German government to continue with the recent polices at the exact same level. As a consequence of this screening, we've got an excellent idea of who we are letting into this nation. The danger of a terrorist attack by a refugee who undergoes the present screening method is nearly nonexistent. The protocol made it feasible for internally displaced folks to obtain help. The remainder of the lions are shot as a precautionary measure a complete species is currently extinct. The Appeal of Pretend Your a Refugee Writing Essay Make the most of our handy guide because it is exceptionally formulated to breathe life into your upcoming essay. Your introduction should start out with a broad general statement, and target the subject of the question. I chose this article due to the several aspects of belonging represented within this text. The usual application isn't the only essay you must write. The absolute most important task is to tackle your essay questions correctly by utilizing the appropriate style, the suitable grammar and robust supporting documents. Irrespective of which topic you select, you have to tell a story of some type. If that's not true, you haven't shown enough of yourself on the webpage.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Gay perspectives in Arab communities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Gay perspectives in Arab communities - Essay Example Gay perspectives in Arab communities This type of belief could lead a man to be uncomfortable with other men, because he is sexually attracted to men, which it is weird in Arab communities. The narrator Rickel in the story â€Å"pass†didn’t show directly that he is gay. He is unwilling to express it openly. A person has to think deeply to understand that the narrator is gay. A person can realize that the narrator is gay through phallic symbols and the situation in which he is trying to pass. The text reveals how the narrator was structured as a gay from his childhood; however he wants the audience to experience the difficulties he was trying to pass through the town he lived in, people that was the main affects, and challenging of hiding his homosexuality. There is an Arabic saying that from the black duck comes a white duck. This means that whatever was the color or the culture that a man is from, he can be just the opposite. For example, the narrator lives in a town called Tempe; it is a small town and all the people know each other. There is only one barbershop and one drug store. From their description, it is likely that the people in the city are close-minded, and they have their own culture and traditions. They don’t have tourists. The small community is like the black duck the somehow produces the strange, white duck, the narrator, he lived in a community where it was believed that no man would think of being gay, however, he did.
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