Thursday, November 28, 2019
Answer 4 Questions About Jazz Music Example
Answer 4 Questions About Jazz Music Example Answer 4 Questions About Jazz Music – Coursework Example Jazz Music Q Styles of Jazz Music Bebop Jazz It developed in the early 1940’s and established itself as vogue by 1945 (A Passion for Jazz, p1). Its main innovators were Miles Davis, Dizzy Gillespie, and Chalie Parker. Bebop is characterized by fast tempo, instrumental ability, and improvisation based on the amalgamation of harmonic structure and reference to the melody. Bebop soloists engage in harmonic improvisation and often avoid the melody after the first chorusCool JazzIt evolved directly from Bop in the late 1940’s and 1950’s (A Passion for Jazz, p1). It smoothed out the mixture of Swing and Bop tones. Miles pioneered cool music, and it softened the dynamics of bebop music. The cool jazz is characterized by relaxed tempos and lighter tone.Classic JazzClassic Jazz also known as Orleans style originated with brass bands that performed for dances and parties in the late 1800’s (A Passion for Jazz, p1). Classic music is solo oriented. The classic style i ncorporates captions of Ragtime with adaptations of melodies, blues, and hymns. David Miles recorded Kind of Blue, classic music (Luce 1).Hot JazzIn hot jazz, improvised solos characterize the music with melodic structure built up to an emotional and ‘hot’ climax. In the rhythm section, there is bass, banjo, drums with high tempo. Miles pioneered the style, as most of his songs were high (Luce 1)..Hard BopIt is an extension of Bebop, which was interrupted by the cool sounds. Hard Bop melodies are soulful than Bebop. The rhythm section of hard bop is more sophisticated, and it is also known as the funky jazz.Q.3Cool jazz is less dense or more spacious. It relies on modern rhythms, for instance, Bossa Nova and rock. It employs less improvisation and has low tempo (A Passion for Jazz, p1). Cool jazz musicians include Monty Budwig, Larry Bunker, Sarah Vaughan, and Gerry Mulligan. However, hard bop is denser, has high tempo, and involves more improvisation. The hard bop musi cians include Miles Davis, Art Blakey, John Coltrane, and Horace Silver among others.Hard bop music majored on the African American identity. Racism and discrimination resulted in opposition of the white’s cool music. The African-American innovated hard bop music to fight for their civil rights and recognition in the American economy. Poverty resulted in the musical differences. Cool jazz was regarded as music for the rich or the whites. Therefore, the poor Africans retaliated by singing hard-bop to demonstrate their dissatisfaction with political, social and economic climate at that time.A Passion for Jazz. Styles of Jazz Music, 2015. Web. May 27, 2015 Luce, Jim. â€Å"Jazz Profiles from NPR Miles Davis: Miles’ Styles.†NPR. 2015. Web. May 27, 2015
Monday, November 25, 2019
Methods That Will Help to Cope With the Tiresome Procedure of Creating a Think Piece
Methods That Will Help to Cope With the Tiresome Procedure of Creating a Think Piece How to Survive the Annoying Process of Writing an Essay Modern pace of life demands from the people to develop certain qualities and habits. Thus, people tend to be more active, ambitious and enterprising in order to survive and be successful. Each time has its rules and peculiarities and today a lot of people can have difficulties with monotonous and annoying tasks which require patience and meticulous work. This problem is especially common for youth. They just cannot put their gadgets aside and spend few hours in the quiet atmosphere collecting thoughts about essay. However, even scrupulous and diligent people experience difficulties while performing writing tasks. What to do if you face the lack of creativity and feel indolence or just do not know what to start with? There are some methods that can help you within any writing assignment and make it more simple and delightful. Work out a plan Careful monitoring of the things minimizes the possibility of unexpected and unpleasant surprises. That is why you need to think through and plan your activities. When you have a plan or schedule, it is easier to cope with the work. Consider deadlines, volume of the essay, your knowledge in the subject and current number of tasks in other disciplines. Actually, plan will encourage you to action and under condition of following it will be the guarantee of timely accomplishment of the task. Plan is the right decision for people, who feel difficulties in starting tasks or performing them in time. Search for ideas No one knows at once about what to write and what aspects should be disturbed. From time to time it happens that you get the topic and feel the complete emptiness in the head. It is quite normal situation. The topic can be new for you or maybe you just have not considered the things from this point of view. There are different ways and sources of obtaining ideas. First of all you should read some information related to the topic. Then if you still have no distinct notion about what to write, just switch to other things and finally the brilliant ideas will come. Try to be original, think perspicaciously and you will succeed. Try to write Another effective and helpful method is to start writing. It does not matter if you do not know yet what to write about or what to start with. You may write about everything you want. The main thing is to start the process and it will gradually lead you to the necessary stream. You should take a piece of paper and a pen and make note about the weather, your mood or absence of desire to write essay†¦ Make reviews It is always significant to write correctly and avoid mistakes. In order to provide an essay of high quality always check it for spelling and punctuation mistakes. Every teacher will be delighted to read content, which is written in a proper way. Moreover, when you reread your paper, some brilliant thoughts and ideas can appear in your head, you can add something or remove and make your work more sophisticated and refined. Be judgmental In regard to any activity and especially writing one should be able to assess his or her work and be open for improvements. It is great to consider your essay and estimate if it will be interesting and informative for other people. The more you demand from yourself the better results you obtain. Additional reading, thinking and criticism towards your own paper will bring desired results and appreciation. There are many ways and methods that will provide you’re a useful assistance in the process of essay writing. You may try all of the above mentioned advices or some of them, you can combine them or extend. Do what you like and create great essays; just remember that with all your actions you should move towards your goals and dreams.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Book Review . Discuss the process of maturation of Frederick Douglass Essay
Book Review . Discuss the process of maturation of Frederick Douglass from childhood to adulthood. Make sure that you employ a - Essay Example The first theme that manifests in Douglass’s narrative is that of inequality. African American slaves got treated cruelly by their slave masters who viewed them as not being human beings. He begins his narrative by stating that he was not aware of his birth date. He states that neither did he ever meet a slave who could tell his or her birth date (Douglass 1). Meanwhile, the white children could tell their birth date. This shows the inequality that slaves got born into. He narrates of how when his master died they got valued together with livestock as his family shared property. He states how slaves of all kind got ranked with sheep, swine, and horses (Douglass 51). This shows that slaves got viewed as equal to animals by their masters. This was a form of racial inequality. Another theme that manifests itself is that of the path to freedom. Douglass aims to show that he believes education and a progressive urban environment as the keys to freedom. He remarks that a city slave is freer than a slave on a plantation. He notices this when he gets moved to Baltimore, Maryland. He views a city slave as getting fed and clothed better than a slave on a plantation (Douglass 38). In spite of the decency accorded to the city slave, he later notes that there still was much injustice to the slaves whether in the city or plantation. Douglass also believes that education can play a key role towards the freedom of the slave. He strives to learn as much, but again the more he learns, the further he casts doubts on whether knowledge would earn his freedom. He remarks that the more knowledge he acquires, the more his eyes open to the endless evils of slavery (Douglass 47). When Hugh Auld forbids his wife from teaching Douglass, he realizes that this was a witty way through which slaveholders kept their slaves. Auld tells his wife that education ruins slaves. Douglass views that slaveholders hide knowledge from slaves to keep them unaware of the evil that is slavery. Dougla ss embarked on self-education as the key towards his ability to free himself. In his narrative, Douglass also shows the theme of Christianity. He highlights that there exists two forms of Christianity at the time; the real and hypocritical form of Christianity. According to him, there exists Christianity of the land and that of Christ (Douglass 95). Douglass believes the real Christianity gets practiced by him and the whites who preach against slavery. The hypocritical Christianity gets practiced by whites such as Mr. Covey who totally ignore and hide the real ideals of Christianity. He makes a distinction between the two by stating the real Christianity was based on charity and peace. The false Christianity revolves around the immoral and violent actions of slaveholders. Douglass, through his narrative, shows how the slaveholding masters in the south use Christianity to spread their evil deed of slavery. Conclusion The narrative by Douglass presents an emotional and quite moving st ory about his life as a slave until he becomes a free man. He is born a slave and recounts losing his mother at a remarkably young age. He encounters the brutality of slavery at a very early age when he witnessed his aunt Hester getting whipped. He undergoes harsh treatment and cruelty from his slave masters and whites while growing up. In spite of all this hardships, Douglass still manages to remain upbeat and pursue self education even when Mrs. Auld stops teaching
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Responses to Readings and compare between the 2 articals Article
Responses to Readings and compare between the 2 articals - Article Example However, the myth of how children learn past tenses by adding –ed at the end of verbs applies inconsistently for some people. For instance, some people say, â€Å"I goed to school†instead of â€Å"I went to school.†This shows that they have a problem of changing words when tenses change. I augur well with Bolton’s arguments. Language is the most successful tool ever developed by humankind. In fact, language is the father of modern tools. The concepts upon which civilizations are built could be nothing without language (Bolton 22). Moreover, language is how people retain their connection, remain conscious of the connection, and comprehend the level of their presence in the world. However, I beg to differ on the argument that illiteracy is natural (Bolton 25). People are normally judged based on their literacy level. This is how, for instance, Europeans considered Africans to belong to a lesser god. Slavery also sprang on this premise. Overall, Harvey and Bolton both take language to its origins. The cultural aspect of language is central in their arguments. Bolton, for example, argues that the culture people live in is what transmits language (Bolton 31). However, having a language does not signify superior intellect. If culture transmits language, people must recognize that their culture is not irreproachable to overcome their language limitations. Harvey, on the other hand, argues that languages have intimate relations with the societies and individuals using them (Daniels
Monday, November 18, 2019
HPV Infection Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
HPV Infection - Term Paper Example Nearly every case of cervical cancer are caused by HPV, and all cases of genital warts and RRP are caused by HPV. The genital warts appear as small bumps or a group of bumps in the genital area, which may be small or large, raised or flat, or shaped like a cauliflower. These warts may appear within weeks of months after sexual contact with a partner who is infected, even if that partner has no outward signs of the disease. These warts may go away on their own, may remain unchanged, or may multiply or grow larger. The types of HPV that causes the warts are not the same strain that causes the cancers. Cervical cancer is symptomless until it is advanced, so women are encouraged to seek regular screening for cervical cancer. The RRP is a disease where the warts grow in the throat, which can block the airways and cause a hoarse voice or breathing troubles (Steben and Duarte-Franco, 2007). It is considered to be a disease because the mechanisms of the HPV virus change healthy cell tissue i nto tissue that is infected with lesions. Moreover, HPV is considered to be a disease because it causes other, more serious diseases, especially cervical cancer, as well as cancer that resides in other parts of the body, including the mouth and the throat. ... of the woman, although it can also result in infections in the man, the system that will be examined for the purposes of this essay is the female genitalia. Below is a diagram of a normal female genitalia: The function of the external female reproductive structure is to enable the sperm to enter the body and to protect the internal genital organs from infectious organisms. The labia majora, which is literally â€Å"large lips,†is what encloses the protects the external reproductive organs. These are large, fleshy lips, and is the equivalent to the male scrotum. These lips contain sweat and oil-secreting glands. There are also labia minora, which are small lips. These are small lips which may be up to 2†wide. They are just outside the labia minora, and they surround the opening to the vagina and uretha. Bartholin’s glands are another part of the external genitalia, and the Bartholin’s glands are located beside the vaginal opening and produces a fluid secre tion. The clitoris is where the two labia minora meet, and this is a small and sensitive protrusion that is comparable to a male penis. It is covered by a fold of skin, and similar to the foreskin at the end of the penis. It is very sensitive to stimulation and may become erect. The vagina is also a part of the female genitalia. It is a canal that joins the cervix, which is the lower part of the uterus, to the outside of the body. This is known as the birth canal. HPV may also affect internal reproductive organs, so there will be some discussion of this as well. In this case, there is a uterus, which is a womb. It is hollow, pear-shaped and is the home for a fetus that is developing. It is divided into the cervix, which is the lower part that goes into the vagina, and the corpus, which is the main body of the
Friday, November 15, 2019
Developing Natural Gas Sweetening Processes
Developing Natural Gas Sweetening Processes Introduction Natural gas contains large amounts of methane (CH4), but also all kinds of impurities such as sour gases (e.g., H2S and CO2). The acid gases in the natural gas should be removed to comply with environmental regulations and to avoid technological problems during gas transportation.1–3 For instance, dry ice or CO2 hydrate products can clog the system during liquefaction of the natural gas.2 Hence it would be beneficial to find an efficient and economical method for CO2 capture from natural gas. Amine-based natural gas â€Å"sweetening†(removal of sour gases) process is a widely used and mature technology. However, this process requires high energy for solvent regeneration and amines are corrosive and volatile which causes environmental pollution.1 In the past decade, ionic liquids (ILs) have emerged as a promising alternative to the amines due to their remarkable properties.4–6 Anderson et al.7 measured the solubility of various gases in the 1-hexyl-3-methylpyrolidium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)amide [hmpy][Tf2N]. The solubility of the gases in [hmpy][Tf2N] at 298 K follows the trend: SO2>CO2>C2H4>C2H6>CH4>O2>N2. Similar gas solubility trends were observed in 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethyl-sulfonyl)amide ([hmim][Tf2N]), 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ([bmim][PF6]), and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)amide ([bmim][Tf2N]).8,9 Simple gases often interact weakly with the IL ions, hence the polarizability of the gases is reflected in the solubility behavior. Molecules that possess an electric quadrupole moment (such as CO2 and C2H4) show higher solubilities in ILs.10 From an application point of view, solubility data only is not enough to judge the separation performance of a solvent, instead selectivity data is essential. One of the first mixed gas solubilities was reported by Hert et al.11 The authors surprisingly found that an enhancement of CH4 solubility when both CH4 and CO2 were dissolved in [hmim][Tf2N] liquid. It was speculated that the enhancement in CH4 solubility was due to favorable dispersion interactions between dissolved CO2 and CH4, while the drop in CO2 solubility was due to a reduction in free volume caused by the absorption of CH4. Carvalho and Coutinho12 measured CO2/CH4 and H2S/CH4 solubilities in three ILs and proposed that the ionic liquid polarity is an essential parameter in the design of ILs with high CO2 selectivities. To design and optimize natural gas sweetening processes using ILs, mastering the important factors that dictate CO2/CH4 solubility as well as selectivity is essential. Shi and Maginn13 computed the mixed gas isotherms for the mixtures CO2/O2, SO2/N2, and CO2/SO2 dissolve in [hmim][Tf2N] and interpreted these mixed gas solubilities by energetic analysis. CO2 and SO2 interact more strongly with the anion than the cation due to stronger electrostatic interactions between the solute and the anion. N2 and O2 interact weakly with the ionic liquid and show little difference in interaction energy between the cation and anion. Thus CO2 and SO2 compete with each other in dissolution, while CO2 and O2 dissolve independently.13 However, there has no simulation motivated to address the unusual solubility behavior of CO2/CH4 mixtures in ILs. In this proposed research, molecular dynamics simulations will be utilized to investigate the enhanced solubility of CH4 in [hmim][Tf2N] in the presence of CO2.11 Also, with the aim of improving CO2/CH4 selectivity in ionic liquids, several other ILs described in the work done by Carvalho and Coutinho12 will be examined. These simulations could enable one to probe local structure of gases in ILs and energetics between different solutes and solvents, thereby give physical insight into the observed selectivity trends. The final goal is to find optimum structures of ILs that have satisfying performance in natural gas sweetening process. Research Question In this study, the solubilities of CO2/CH4 mixtures in four ILs will be investigated in order to understand the peculiar phenomenon of enhanced solubility of CH4 in the presence of CO2 in [hmim][Tf2N] and to understand the higher selectivity of CO2/CH4 in [bmim][Tf2N] as compare to that in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium methanesulfonate ([bmim][CH3SO3]) at molecular level. This work will be accomplished by classical molecular dynamics of systems consist of mixture gases with different molar ratios dissolve into four ionic liquids, [hmim][Tf2N], [bmim][Tf2N], [bmim][PF6] and [bmim][CH3SO3] respectively. The selectivities for different cases will be calculated and compare with experimental results at room temperature and at a pressure of 10 bar, which is a common operating pressure for natural gas sweetening process. Local electrostatic potential and radial distribution function of ILs will be computed to analyze the interactions between gas molecules and IL constituents and favorable abs orption sites. Test particle insertion method will be utilized to calculate the excess chemical potential of CO2 and CH4 in different ILs. With this systematic information, a solid conclusion about the physical reasons lead to high CO2/CH4 selectivity could be achieved. The cation effect and anion effect to the selectivity could be drawn from the results in cases of these four ILs. In addition, more extensive work could be conducted to predict the relationship between the IL structure and the trend of selectivity of CO2/CH4 mixtures in ILs. Significance of the Proposed Research The global natural gas demand is expected to increase 1.4% per year in the next 20~30 years.2 Of great industrial relevance, carbon dioxide capture is very important in the natural gas sweetening process. Ionic liquids, due to their outstanding properties, such as negligible vapor pressure, high thermal stability, nonflammability and high solvation capacity, are believed to be promising alternatives for conventional CO2 capture solvents. Especially, the large differences in pure gas solubility reported in the literature suggest that selectivity for gas mixtures could be high, making ILs a strong candidate for effective separation processes. It is possible to design many potential ILs by enormous combination of cations and anions and their functionalized ions. Therefore, the systematic study of different cation/anion combinations will provide us key parameters in the structure of ILs with high CO2/CH4 selectivity. However, measuring solubilities of gas mixtures is significantly more difficult than measuring pure gas solubilites.14 Therefore, molecular modeling is an efficient way to help understand solubility trends in ILs. Through this proposed study, we can gain physical understanding in the selectivity of mixture gases in ILs at a molecular level. An additional advantage is that the simulations enable one to probe micro structure and energetics, thereby giving useful insight into the source of selectivity trends observed. The proposed research will inspire experimentalists to design ILs with higher CO2/CH4 selectivity, thus apply it into industrial natural gas sweetening process. Proposed Studies Simulation Details: In this proposed research, I will perform systematic classical molecular dynamics simulations for systems representing CO2 and CH4 dissolve in [hmim][Tf2N], [bmim][Tf2N], [bmim][PF6] and [bmim][CH3SO3] ILs respectively. All simulations will be performed using the GROMACS15 program. Nose-Hoover temperature coupling will be used to set the temperature at 298 K and Parrinello-Rahman pressure coupling will be used to keep the pressure at 10 bar. Periodic boundary conditions will be applied in all directions. The cations and anions involved in this work are listed in scheme 1 with their molecular structures. Scheme 1. Molecular structures of the cations and anions used in this study. Force Field. In all simulations described in this study, ILs and CH4 will use the Canongia Lopes-PaÃÅ' dua16 and OPLS-AA17 force fields. Lennard-Jones parameters and the partial charges for CO2 will take from the TraPPE18 force field. The experimental C-O bond length (1.16 Ã…) and O-C-O bond angle (180ËÅ ¡) are fixed during simulations. The TraPPE model has been effectively used for predicting CO2 absorption in various ILs.13,19–22 Thus, all the force field parameters are available. Pure Gas Absorption. The pure gas absorption for CO2 and CH4 will be computed following the method published by Huang et al.23 The initial configuration of the IL/CO2 or IL/CH4 binary system will be prepared from two independent bulk phase subsystems. The IL phase consists of 256 ionic pairs, and the gas (CO2 or CH4) phase initially has 216 molecules. Both IL phase and gas phase will first be equilibrated by a 1 ns NPT simulation at 298 K and 10 bar. Then the two subsystems will be concatenated along the Z direction to form a sandwich like simulation box with the gas phase in the middle. Some gas molecules are going to be removed in order to fit the cross section between the gas phase and IL phase. An energy minimization process is necessary to prevent steric hindrances in the combined system. The generated system then undergoes a 20 ns NPT equilibration run to allow gas molecules to diffuse into the IL phase. In order to improve sampling, five uncorrelated phase points will be colle cted from a successive 500 ps NPT run. Figure 1 shows a typical configuration of the equilibrium simulation box. These five configurations are used as initial coordinates for five 300 ps production runs in microcanonical (NVE) ensemble. The last 200 ps trajectories of each NVE simulation are used to collect data. Figure 1. A snapshot of the equilibrium state of the simulation box.23 Mixed Gas Absorption and Selectivities. As described above, the only thing different for mixed gas absorption from the pure gas absorption is the gas phase contains two kinds of gas molecules, CO2 and CH4. In order to test the feed ratio effect, the molecular numbers of CO2 and CH4 are set to two distinct ratios, 1:9 and 1:1, which are the gas mixture compositions in ref. 11. As observed by ref. 11, only tiny amount of CO2 could enhance CH4 solubility. The numbers of gas molecules can be easily obtained from the five final trajectories. Thus the mole fractions of CO2 or CH4 to ILs can be computed. Simply, the solubility is computed in terms of molar fraction by or , where x means the molecule number in IL phase. With the mole fractions of CO2 and CH4 in gas mixture/IL system, the selectivity for CO2 over CH4 can be computed as ,13 where x means the molecule number in IL phase and y means the molecule number in the initial gas phase. This is the first goal of this research that aiming to confirm and predict the solubilities and selectivities of CO2 and CH4 gas molecules in different ILs. These data can also be used to validate the simulation method. It should be reasonable to expect that the above mentioned modeling procedure is capable of yielding good estimations of mixed gas absorption. Radial Distribution Functions. The RDFs for pure liquid structures, gas/IL binary structures and mixed-gas/IL ternary structures can be calculated from the production simulations in NVE ensemble. Previous results23 showed that even though considerable amounts of CO2 diffused into the IL phase, the structure changes of the IL were small. However, the cases of CH4 gas diffuses into the IL phase have to be examined as well as the cases for CO2/CH4 gas mixtures dissolve in ILs. Therefore, the RDFs could tell us whether the structure will change significantly or not during the co-solvation process of CO2 and CH4 molecules. Previous studies concluded that CO2 preferentially interacts with anions in ILs.5,8,13,23,24 However, little knowledge is known about the structure correlation for CH4 with cations and anions in ILs. Especially, the locations of CH4 molecules in ILs in the presence of CO2 would be very interesting. From the NVE simulations, the Coulomb and Lennard-Jones potentials between different energy groups could be obtained. The energetic analyses could help explain the spatial distribution of CH4 and CO2 molecules in ILs. In addition, by comparing the relative interaction energies between solutes and the cations, anions and other dissolved solutes, one can understand which interaction makes CH4 more dissolvable in [hmim][Tf2N] when in the presence of CO2. Local Electrostatic Potentials. Although the liquid is neutral in total charge, the local electrostatic environment within the first solvation shell of CO2 or CH4 molecule may have important effect on the solubility and selectivity performance.21 At any given time during the production runs, the position of each absorbed gas molecule can be determined. Also the surrounding atoms within , 1.5 nm, can be identified. Therefore, the local electrostatic potential U for a given absorbed gas molecule (x, y, z) can be calculated by: where na is the number of surrounding atoms, qn,i is the partial charge on each surrounding atom, rn,i is the distance from each atom to the center carbon atom of absorbed gas molecule. Analyzing the distribution of local electrostatic potentials for CO2 and CH4 together with the selectivities, the relation between local electrostatic potentials can selectivities can be built. Based on the fact that CO2 has a large quadrupole moment, CO2 molecule should be affected strongly by the local electrostatic potential. The more negative the local electrostatic potential is the higher preference for CO2 selectivity.21 I expect that the highest selectivity IL [bmim][CH3SO3] will give more negative distribution of local electrostatic potential as compare to other ILs. Solvation Free Energy. In order to have more evidences for energetic analysis of the interactions between CO2/CH4 and ILs, Widom particle insertion method25 is utilized to determine the excess chemical potential of the solutes under study. The key quantity characterizing a solute in the solvation process is its solvation free energy, that is, the free energy necessary to insert the solute from pure ideal gas phase into solution. The solvation free energy per solute is equal to the excess chemical potential of the solute. In the case of an NPT ensemble the excess chemical potential can be written as26 where is the potential energy between the solute and the solvent, V is the volume of the system, =1/, and the angle brackets denote an isobaric-isothermal average over trajectory of the system without solute. For each IL, the equilibration trajectory of pure IL in NPT ensemble is needed. Because test particle insertion method in GROMACS is currently limited to inserting a single charge group, the excess chemical potential of CO2 and CH4 can only calculated one at a time. At least, we can get information about the relative affinity of CO2 to ILs and CH4 to ILs. Thus the CO2/CH4 selectivities in different ILs could be compared using all the aforementioned methods. In summary, the solubilities and selectivities of CO2 and CH4 pure gas and gas mixtures in four ILs will be calculated. The deep reasons that determine the CO2/CH4 selectivity will be investigated. Although only four ILs, [hmim][Tf2N], [bmim][Tf2N], [bmim][PF6] and [bmim][CH3SO3], are under this proposed research, we can expect to find out the anion effect to CO2/CH4 selectivity. By studying the spatial structure, interaction energy, local electrostatic potential and excess chemical potential, this work will contribute to the IL society with the first molecular dynamics simulation of CH4 dissolves in ILs and CO2/CH4 gas mixture dissolves in ILs.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Essay --
Over the last 30 years, videos games have become very desirable for people of all ages, genders, and race. With the rapid growth of technology these games have become very life like and some seem as if your actually there in person. The rapid growth has made the video industry into a multi-billon dollar industry and this has created much controversy among the people because the games are becoming very realistic, but also more violent. Since the creation of violent video games there have been constant disputes to whether these games will increase violence in the player. Nevertheless, there have been researches done to try and understand the correlation between video games and violence. These researches haven’t only showed that the violent games don’t transfer violence to the players, but they actually help players. With the rise of technology people have begin to drift away from connecting in person and have adapt to this change by speaking or communicating threw something electronics. With games like call of duty and many others, players are able to communicate with many others, th...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Bill to Law at Malaysia
3. Explain the process how a Bill becomes Law. Malaysia was a former British colony and prior to its independence a commission was appointed to draft the Federal Constitution based on the system of parliamentary democracy practiced in the Great Britain. Similar to the Westminster System, Malaysia’s Federal Constitution divides the structure of government into three branches – Executive, Legislature, and Judiciary. Under the doctrine of separation of powers, the Legislature is the body which has the power to pass, amend, and repeal laws. There are two legislative assemblies under the Westminster system, an upper house (In Malaysia, it is called the Dewan Negara) and a lower house (Dewan Rakyat). Before an Act becomes a law, it is called a Bill. There are two types of Bills, a Public Bill and a Private Bill. Under the Public Bills, there are Government Bills and Private Members Bills, where Government Bill is normally introduced by a Minister and Private Member Bill is initiated by a Member of Parliament. A Private Bill is a proposal for a law that would apply to a particular individual or a group of individuals, or corporate entity. A Bill will have to go through several stages before it becomes a law. When a Bill is introduced to MPs in the parliament, it is called the First Reading. The title of the Bill is read out and copies of it are copied out, no debate takes place, but there will be a vote on whether the House wishes to consider the Bill further. During the Second Reading, the general principles contained in the Bill are debated by the MPs. Frequently, during this stage; public attention will be drawn to the proposal and the debate between the MPs who support and against the bill begins. At the end of the debate a vote is taken – a majority of MPs must be in favor of the Bill in order for it to progress any further. If the Bill passes the Second Reading, it will come to the Committee Stage. At this stage, a detailed examination of each clause of the Bill is undertaken by a committee and the committee will subject the Bill to line-by-line examination and make amendments. The membership of the committee will usually be those MPs with special knowledge, or interest, in the subject of the Bill. Next, the amended Bill goes to the Report Stage – the Bill will be reviewed by the House where it started. The amendments will be debated in the House. The Third Reading is the final vote and debate on the Bill. It is almost a formality, since a Bill which passed through all the stages is very unlikely to fail at this late stage. Another vote will be taken and if passed, then it goes through a similar process in another House. Finally, a Royal Assent by the King is needed in order for the Bill to formally become a law. Under the Constitutional Amendment Act of 1983, the King cannot refuse to sign the bill if it has been passed by both of the Houses in the parliament. Thereafter, the Act is gazetted and becomes an Act of Parliament.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Art is life Essays - Mumbles, Swansea Bay, Hands And Knees
Art is life Essays - Mumbles, Swansea Bay, Hands And Knees Art is life Jenny walked into the small yet crowded caf? and moved as close to the counter as she could. Scanning the place out of the corner of her eye, she checks to see if there could even be a small corner open for her to squeeze into after she orders her coffee. Maybe coming to this caf? wasn?t the best choice, she ponders. This place is full to the brim with smelly dreads and unwashed clothing. Did she accidently walk into a soup kitchen? Her judgement seems to be getting the best of her and she turns around only to end up tripping over the person behind her and falling onto her hands and knees. Someone scrambles to help her and she assesses the damage, a broken toe and a scraped up knee. Don?t they believe in washing the floor? She?ll need a tetanus shot no less. Finally jenny adjusts her gaze to the hand that helped her. Fighting the urge to pull away, she allows the guy to help her up before looking into his face to apologize. Mark watches as a woman a few feet ahead of him seems to have inner battle with herself before finally ending on the floor. He attempts to help her up but can only see the disgust she has for the place and quite possibly him, written all over her face. Whats her deal? I could just leave her there. She brushes him off, mumbles an apathetic apology and then pushes through a couple back out the door. Shrugging, he turns around and accepts his usual coffee plus an extra in hopes to maybe catch the overly hasty lady outside the door.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Soul Food flim analysis Essays
Soul Food flim analysis Essays Soul Food flim analysis Paper Soul Food flim analysis Paper Throughout this film learning life lessons and how significant it is to cherish family is important This is a comedy, romance film with a whole lot of drama. Big Mama Joe, acted by Irma P. Hall, is one of the main characters in this film, shes the rock that keeps theses family to getter; as she said in this quote, One finger pointing the blame, dont make no impact, but you b all up all me fingers into a mighty fist, and you can strike a mighty blow, and this family has got to be that fist. (Irma p. Hall). George Italian Jar the writer and director based this film on his own life experience of a closeness family (Italian). Soul Food argues that not all Africanizing alms have to be about negative situations, they can have a positive perspective e, and be about the importance of cherishing families. Soul Food is a film that wants to show the add mince the importance of cherishing family. 1 OF 7 is full Of captivating special moments involving delicious soul food. The wonder rueful part about this film is that it never falls into monotonous moments; all of the scenes are very Perez 2 intriguing. Even though in some parts it gives you forewarning that something regretful later in the film is going to happen, but that is what makes this film more interesting. This is a great storytelling film that talks about the importance of family. As critic Frederic m mentioned, An African American drama about the importance of ritual in holding families tog ether, (Frederic and Mary Ann Breast). Overall this review epitomizes the point of this film, b cause in the film they want to keep the longed tradition alive, and all Mad wants is for the family to stick together. What George Italian Jar is trying to argue in this film, is that not all Ai recriminate films have to be about negativity: they can have a bigger meaning. He wants t do something positive to reach out to the audience about an African American family going t wrought rough times, but still tries to remain strong. All the scenes in this film are well put to getter, so there is not going to be a time where the film has got away from the point It is trying t o make. All the actors are very well played, and it is very clear that the actors know who the p errors is their playing. The organization of this film was well put together, it does not start in the pas t, but Mad tells stories of how they spent their Sunday dinners, and how everyone came down from all over for the holidays. This film has a very good beginning, a heartbreaking yet intriguing middle, and a powerful and beautiful ending. As the film begins, Mad intro educes the actors to the audience; as the setting took place at Birds, and Elms wedding which is A whams aunt and his new uncle. I think the setting is very significant to the beginning of this film , because all Of the main characters are together celebrating; and It made the setting perfect I miming to introduce the main characters. Big Mama Joe plays a very huge part in this movie, and try SE to keep the peace in the Joseph family as Mad said, She always knows how to set thing s right. Perez 3 (Mad). A longed tradition started down in Mississippi, and Big Mama Joe kept the tradition of eating soul food dinner every Sunday when she moved to Chicago with her husband. Soul food dinner was a chance for the whole family to enjoy themselves, and t heir meals while sharing their ecstasy and sorrows. Mad has learned from Big Mama Joe that t, Its on e of the things thats missing from Africanizing families nowadays. (Irma p. Hall). All of this is explicate through the point of view of Mad. Mad dispenses the film with a positive attitude, expresses the emotional part of this film, and shows wisdom. When Sunday dinners would come around, there was always a lot of hostility between the two sisters Term acted by Vicar A. Fox, and Maxine acted by Vanessa Lynn Williams. Term is the most cultivated, and oldest. She became a successful lawyer with the tend once of letting people know that she pays for everything its an attempt to make her sister Jew aloes. Term is married to Miles, he is acted by Michael Anthony Beach, Miles wants to pursue his dreams, and do music as a fulfillment job. Term wants what is best, and wants him to keep his b as an attorney, so they can make twice the money, but Miles is not very happy about it. The o only person that seems to care about Miles music was Faith acted by Gina Ravel, she comes e earlier in the film. She is Big Mama Joeys niece and like people said she is huge trouble. Maxine i s the second oldest, she gave up school at the age of nineteen, and is the strongest out of he three daughters. In reality Term is jealous of the basic life Maxine odors and Ammines beatific re kinship with Kenny acted by Jeffrey D. Sam, which was Titers exhibitioner back in the day. They would say Maxine stole Kenny from Term, and since then they have not got along. This is where the most tension is in the family. As drama and arguments enter Big Mama Joe would Sways know how to put a stop to it. The youngest daughter is Serene, who is nicknamed Bird, ND is acted by Nina Perez 4 Long she stays out of the drama that goes in between her sisters. She is very inexperienced, and is always trying to make smart choices but does not really know how, so she test herself into a ad situation. Bird is married to Elm acted by Meeker Third prefer which was a drug dealer before, and did some time in prison. Elm tries to be a responsible husband, ND take care of his responsibilities, but when Bird tries to help it does not end well. He feels that his manhood is taken away from him. As the film enters into a heartbreaking stage the family has to stay strong for Big Mama Joe. The family starts breaking apart over a small argument that happened be teen Term, and Maxine, that they themselves can not fix. Mad the young narrator of this if m brings a lot to is presentation, honesty, love, and strength. His facial expressions explain TTY e way he feels throughout this film, and gives you an idea about what he is going say next. A wham plays two roles; you primarily see the film in Mad the narrators eyes; so it is like you re seeing the movie through the eyes of the narrator. It gives you a feel bayou being part o the film, and the ability to understand the way the narrator feels, and the things that he expert encase. An unanticipated meaningful moment suddenly happens, while Mad is taking a ride in Elms truck. While talking Mad finds a gun in the glove compartment Of Elms t KC; this is a presage of something to happen. Mad knows something is yet to come, he gives Elm a little advice, Big Mama always tells me you have to love yourself, (Mad) remarks. Maybe you should try that. (Mad). The really big picture behind is best explained by the food itself. As Big Mama Joe said in this film, Soul food cooking is BBC t cooking from the heart. (Big Mama Joe). It is about being thankful for what you have; and bout you appreciating your family, also about showing appreciation about what gets t aught to the table. Perez 5 Mad has been giving the job Of bringing the family together, as he takes TTL e footsteps of his grandmother. The family was at their breaking point, and Mad was the or hope that could bring the family together. Overall, George Italian Jar succeeds in fulfilling the meaning of this film. After watching this film it makes you realize the true image that Italian is trying to show an reach out to you with. Italian intentions were to say that an Africanizing film can be bas d on something positive, instead of something negative. This film is really worth seeing, it tall bout real life situations, and played by the actors that truly understand these people. As t p critic Kevin Thomas said, Italian drew inspiration from his own Milwaukee family, his E loved grandmother in particular. Humor, sentiment and melodrama strike a Balkan e as he brings to life nine major characters and a host of others as well. (Kevin Thomas). We folly w these characters through the rough times, and good times, through their laughs, fights, cries, ND struggles, but most importantly the love of life. Perez 6 Work Cited Soul Food . Dir. George Italian Jar. Per.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Discuss the claim that to understand any one citys fortunes fully it Essay
Discuss the claim that to understand any one citys fortunes fully it is necessary to follow the interconnections between cities - Essay Example The images of cities bring forth bustling streets, unending streams of vehicles, people jostling with each other for space and attention, faceless groups of people hurrying either to work or home, crowded markets and unruly by lanes, libraries, hospitals, hotels, museums, traffic, cathedrals and other religious places, skyscrapers and underground and on ground railways and more than anything else, lighting and brightness all over. We also notice that mostly people are lonely in the crowd, lost in their own thoughts and hurrying towards the next goal. Very rarely one could see the heartening sights of people walking companionably together in groups. Cities are not accidental happenings. They are created for a purpose, the result of a long and interesting evolution of the landscape. They must have started as the centres of a certain activity and with additional activities growing around it, they have formed into present cities. Cities do not spring up without reason. There always exist economical, social, geographical or historical reasons for their materialising from nowhere. They are the focussed places of social, cultural and geographical mass. They are the centres of many activities and had been the hubs of certain bustling, continuous activity for a long time, and hence, they have grown into cities. All of us have our own pleasant and unpleasant experiences of the cities. Intensity of urban life differs from place to place, from city to city. Every city differs from another if urban elements and social significance are taken into account. Cities could be awe-inspiring for a villager. A city could be romanticised, revered, mystified, or even feared. Every city has its own individuality. It has even its own skyline from which usually it is recognised. Famous cities have popular skylines, and their recognition is instantaneous. "From this perspective, city life is distinctive because its scale is larger and activities more intense than anywhere else," (p.6). Massey et al are of the opinion that smaller cities like Kuala Lumpur try to rival with bigger cities like New York by having impressive skyscrapers, even though skyscraper like announcements are unnecessary for a city. There are arguments that cities with impressive skyscrapers also have people begging on the streets and slums full of misery. Every city is not a planned city. Most of the cities are grown in a rather uncontrolled way adjusting itself to the geography and the main activity of the city. Some of these cities, though rather cumbersome, are a few of the most attractive cities in the world. City is a hub of activity and hence, centre of many connections and networks. These connections could be of any kind and mode; social, economical, cultural, religious, historical, political, commercial, business-oriented or even connected with tourism or transport. It could be connected with a port where goods are loaded and unloaded and around the activities of the port, a city could have been built. It could be connected with the movements of the army, navy or a business centre, famous for certain trade. It could be housing one of the major businesses and the city might have been built around this particular business. There are thousands and thousands of possibilities. Today, new cities are springing up on the ruins of
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Film analysis of Easy Rider Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Film analysis of Easy Rider - Movie Review Example The worth of a spiritual journey is emphasized throughout the movie, something that is closely associated with the idea of freedom in the movie. This is important in the context of an increasingly repressive America in which the movie was set in and released. The space of the carnival is invoked here and this makes one aware of the need for freedom in the everyday lives of men and women. This then becomes an important motif in the movie. This paper shall look at different aspects of the movie and also of its production. It shall do so through an examination of the conditions of its production and the people who were involved in the production of the movie. Dennis Hopper is considered to be one of the first of the directors in Hollywood to have broken from tradition and to imbibe in his methods of filmmaking the rebellious air of the 1960s and 1970s (Dennis Hopper, n.d.). This made him a very popular figure, even though the success of Easy Rider could not be replicated until much late r. The movie in that sense depicts his style of filmmaking and his ideology regarding the process of filmmaking very well. Hopper’s ideas of filmmaking were inspired by the counterculture of the United States of America which was at its heights when the movie was released. The movie remains one of the most important contributions to the development of the agency of the youth of America. After this wave of the counterculture, there was hardly any understanding of the need to revolt for a while in America, something that was recovered in the decades to follow. In terms of the genre of the movie, one may say that Easy Rider falls within the genre of a road movie. A road movie provides certain set patterns of moviemaking to the filmmaker and Hopper abided by this during the making of the movie. The angles that were used during the shots were almost always that which enabled a realistic portrait of the main characters. This involved shots that were taken from a close angle that al lowed the illusion of movement to the audience. This is one of the most important aspects of a road movie. The illusion of movement and pace is provided to the audience which is then gripped with suspense as to the next movement of the characters on screen. The importance of this lies in the fact that the pace of the movie is something that led the audience to identify with it and also to turn it into a cult classic. The fact that Peter Fonda was a part of the cast was a very important step in establishing for the audience the genre of the movie. It also established the nature of the movie as one that was opposed to the hegemonic culture of the times. Fonda had acted in a movie called The Wild Angels in 1966. This was a road movie as well and was a path breaking achievement in its own right (The Easy Rider, n.d.). This opposition to the hegemonic culture earned the movie great success despite the lack of a great deal of technical innovation in the body of the movie as such. The genr e of a road movie was something that was popular even before the release of this movie and it incorporated many of the motifs of the road movie. This included a generous dose of machismo that played a great part even in the final denouement of the movie. The plot, in a great way, is driven by these ideas of machismo that also was a large reason
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