Miss Brill theme essay
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Importance of the Code of Ethics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Significance of the Code of Ethics - Research Paper Example The code of morals applies to the money related arranging experts. Monetary organizers are required to follow the code of morals and are in this manner considered responsible on the off chance that they don't comply with the code (FPSC, 2015). Money related organizers enlisted with the CFP Board are required to recognize and acknowledge to follow the code of morals when they reestablish their endorsements. The board proceeds to implement the code of morals on budgetary arranging experts by means of a disciplinary procedure which is laid out in the disciplinary guidelines and strategies segment (CFP Board, n.d). The essential point of the code of morals is to control the money related organizers on the most proficient method to lead their exercises expertly. By consenting to follow the code of morals, money related organizers concur that they will work to the greatest advantage of their customers or the overall population. In this way, they will direct their exercises expertly. This i ngrains trust in the overall population or customers since they accept that budgetary organizers will retire their own advantages for the client’s intrigue first. In this way, the code of morals applies to the monetary organizers. They need to follow the seven standards contained in the code of morals: customer first, trustworthiness, objectivity, reasonableness, demonstrable skill, fitness, secrecy and ingenuity. On the off chance that a monetary organizer doesn't maintain the code of morals, the expert will be trained. Some type of order incorporate suspension of the expert for a period not surpassing five years.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
3 Monthly Business Plan Working as a Sales Consultant Essay
3 Monthly Business Plan Working as a Sales Consultant - Essay Example Nowadays, with a right marketable strategy, a fruitful gambling club business can be built up (Stukey 2011, p. 6). Destinations The reason for this gambling club field-tested strategy to be built up in Disbury Manchester incorporates the accompanying: 1. To hold the current and draw in new customers. 2. To pull in coordinate customers. 3. To build benefits made by the gambling club. Foundation Disbury Manchester is a spot with a huge populace of individuals and a ton of adolescents and elderly folks individuals. The general economy of Disbury Manchester is acceptable and with an earlier information on the current club business. That implies that everyone thinks about the betting industry and the gambling club business at Disbury Manchester would not be another thing. In realizing ones objective gathering, numerous gambling club have set up explicit customers for their business (Stukey 2011, p. 50). Customers assume a significant job in any business and henceforth gambling clubs with numerous customers that are monetarily steady are the best sort of customers to have. Disbury Manchester being where individuals have the spending power, such has been coordinated in the gambling club business as well and has brought a ton of benefits. By legitimate ad and promoting systems, numerous club have wound up being fruitful. With an appropriate strategy, any gambling club business could amplify its administration and increment its benefits (Stukey 2011, p. 12). Factual assessment In any betting situation, if in having customers with a higher money related capacity to spend, implies the gambling club business would blast. Such would be pulled in to the club business following the methods expressed underneath. Likewise, with legitimate promotion and showcasing, a given gambling club business would likewise blast If in a given day, working 24 hours every day, and having an expected customer number of 150 out of a day, the club business could trade out around 3,000 Euros. Cons equently in a decent month, it could get around 270,000 Euros. In the wake of paying its workers, it could stay with roughly 100,000 Euros benefit. Along these lines, in 3 months, the gambling club business may make around 300,000 Euros benefit. So as to trade out such benefits, various things must be kept set up. Methods of improving the club business How to pull in coordinate customers This can be accomplished by heightening on showcasing and promoting efforts. Legitimate promoting for the most part has the impact of pulling in individuals to the betting spot. Likewise, by offering free advancements, may in any case draw in some coordinate customers. Recognizing coordinate customers from contending organizations and offering better spot in your gambling club may likewise be another method of pulling in them (Stukey 2011, p. 60). Heading out your rivals could likewise be another methods for drawing in coordinate customers to the club. With legitimate showcasing and commercial and a ny expectations of the gambling club causing benefits, to collaborate customers would not spare a moment to run into that association. The most effective method to hold existing and draw in new customers Ensuring that representatives at the gambling club place are straight in the manner they work with customers may likewise help in holding customers. A gambling club with laborers that are agreeable may have numerous clients running to their side than that which doesn't have (Stukey 2011, p. 45). Offering advancements to customers may likewise be valuable in holding existing customers and pull in new customers since all individuals love free things. For instance, one may think of an approach to compensate customers who win certain measure of cash, such as giving blessings and vouchers (Stukey 2011, p.88). Having the correct objective for the gambling club business could likewise affect the quantity of customers one would wish to pull in. In having a numerous market for your efficient the age bunches 20 to
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Innovative Approaches to Managerial Development Research Paper - 1
Creative Approaches to Managerial Development - Research Paper Example Such developments are required more in light of the developing rivalry in the realm of business. At the point when advancements are incorporated as a major aspect of the administrative improvement in associations, they become fit for creating new items, grow new procedures and frameworks, that thus empower the associations to adapt to the changing states of business sectors, presentation and utilization of new advances, and rivalry. Advancements in authoritative and administrative improvement are viable worries of the directors of an association, and in this way a few speculations have likewise been created to help the inventive ways to deal with administrative turn of events (Lawson and Samson, 2001). While thinking about various methodologies inside an association, pioneers give certainty, anticipate and reward advancement from each circle inside the association that are past the main fields of innovative work. Along these lines, authoritative learning and information might be related with the items, procedures, advancements and traditional capabilities. Advancements in the ongoing occasions are not utilized by associations as any methods for deficient assets for ambivalent outcomes. Or maybe, administrations consolidate developments so as to utilize them as means for creating new understanding and upper hand. â€Å"They perceive that specialty units creating benefits today may not speak to the best open doors for business tomorrow. Standard components and advancement are accordingly overseen integratively with the goal that the two work in harmony†(Lawson and Samson, 2001). Associations that are versatile spotlight on developments by keeping up open and dynamic system connections, in this manner making associations fit for dealing with circumstances that not common. Along these lines, systems and thoughts are traded among various associations through which social changes are advanced that aid alteration of such systems and authoritative connections that are
Friday, August 21, 2020
The History Of Educational Psychology Education Essay Free Essays
Orchestrating to Wikipedia, larning habits is utilized to portray 1s regular or acclimated type of geting and treating data in larning condition of affairss. Keefe ( 1979 ) characterizes larning habits as the â€Å" complex of trademark full of feeling, physiological and subjective elements that fill in as relatively stable indexs that show how a researcher sees, associates with, and reacts to the securing condition. †Learning habits can other than be portrayed as a lot of practices, mentalities and variables that encourage larning for a man in certain situation ( Web. We will compose a custom paper test on The History Of Educational Psychology Education Essay or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now cortland.edu, 1990 ) . Learning habits follow up on how students learn and how educators instruct. In a roundabout way, it other than impacts how the understudies and educator interact.A An Each individual is brought into the world with specific tendencies toward impossible to miss habits. Notwithstanding, larning habits will follow up on by human advancement, adulthood degree, improvement and individual encounters ( Web.cortland.edu, 1990 ) .An It is of import to recover that larning habits do non state us around one ‘s capacities or knowledge however help us to comprehend why a few endeavors appear to be simpler for others than us ( Fleming and Bonwell, 2006 ) . Additionally, larning habits other than portrayed as the best clasp of twenty-four hours a researcher ingest the insight. For representation, a few people incapable to work in the early eventide and a few people are just non ready to work great in the early forenoon. All things considered, there are four classs of larning habits, there is audile, visual, kinaesthetic and material. A student with an audile securing way learns best when data and discernment are conveyed in sound-related organizations. Instances of sound-related configurations are discussions, unwritten perusing, digital recordings and medicines. Sound-related researchers want to larn using their ears. They want to adhere to verbal directions rather than composed 1s. These students other than do great with taped classs and gathering medicines ( www.learningrx.com/learning-styles.htm ) . In the mean time, researchers with will in general work best in a situation where data is introduced in visual configuration, for example, books, articles, picture, picture or graphs. They appreciate perusing books for perception and can simple follow composed waies. Since messages are taken in through the eyes, they can make great in power point introductions, movies and classification public statements ( www.learningrx.com/learning-styles.htm ) . An understudy with kinaesthetic larning way lean towards larning by making. Messages and data are taken in by the musculuss through natural structure movement. Sensation researchers work great with their authorities. They record things to clear up their thoughts ( Learning Styles A ; Strategies Manitoba Education A ; Training, 1998 ) . At long last, a student with a haptic procurement way reacts great to contacting and making things in nations, for example, logical order and workmanship. They learn best when data is passed on close by on way. They lean toward keeping and pull stringsing the skilled issue rather than essentially sing a picture of it ( www.learningrx.com/learning-styles.htm ) . Learning is a belly to-tomb system. In this manner, it is of import to put and comprehend the contrasts between the various securing habits. Despite the fact that Stahl ( 1999 ) had study about the securing habits, instructors are as yet obliging in estimation and guidance to students ‘ obtaining. Since 1970, unending understudies have profited by larning about how they learn and the distinctions of larning habits among individuals ; numerous instructors have made viable use of larning habits in their guidance ( Oncourseworkshop.com, 1970 ) . It is non just on the grounds that tilting habits ought to be found and energized yet there are a few advantages of estimation and learning understudies to comprehend their securing inclinations. By understanding the procurement habits, educators can instruct blending to the researcher ‘s way. An educator who teach simply orchestrating to his ain habits will makes larning all the more hard for the students ( Learning Styles A ; Strategies Manitoba Education A ; Training, 1998 ) . Understudies learn most effectively when the plans utilized are close with their ideal securing habits. Along these lines, educators ought to other than help understudies to happen their ain obtaining way. An awareness of larning habits can help to better the strategies for teachers ‘ introduction ( www.learningrx.com ) . In any case, we ought to recover that one obtaining way is non thought to be preferable or top of the line over the others however is rather favored by the researcher ( Weimer, 2012 ) . Another likelihood that the negligible demonstration of larning about larning habits is to elevate teachers to pay all the more taking care of the sorts of heading they are introducing ( Radzyner, 2009 ) . Educators who comprehend the significance of larning habits may get down offer a more extensive blend of talks, look into lab work, medications and others assortment utile heading that may end up being preferred for all understudies other over routine one significant learning strategy. Weimer ( 2012 ) said that students vary in their contributions, foundation cognizance and capacities however non in their securing habits. In any case, there is no grounds proposes that giving to researchers larning affinities will take to better securing. All things being equal, educators should help students to put their securing habits. Knowing their ain obtaining way assists researchers to build confirmation and to larn to pull off their ain securing ( Learning Styles A ; Strategies Manitoba Education A ; Training, 1998 ) . It will other than help understudies to take or dismissal things that cause them employments in larning. After recognize understudies ‘ procurement habits, teachers can learn them how to use their encephalon best and give them understanding into their qualities, failings and wonts. Also, by recognizing and understanding the understudies ‘ obtaining habits, students and teacher can use methods better to oblige one another. Understudies can better their speed and nature of larning. The procurement system will other than pleasant. Fitting to Wikipedia, favored learning habits can direct the way we learn furthermore modify our inside speak to encounters and the way we review data. Understudies will profits by recognizing how they process data best. Hence, numerous attendants and procedures were still suggested from educators about cognizing and recognize understudies ‘ procurement habits even there is n’t equivalent grounds base to warrant coordinating larning styles evaluations into general instructive example ( Moore, 2010 ) . Understudies that comprehend the distinctions of larning habits will other than help them in get others and help them partner to and pass on better with the different individuals throughout their life. On the off chance that the figure of disappointments when discuss usefully with other reducing, students will encounter sure and fulfill in working with others. By understanding ain securing habits, we can other than chop down the accentuation and annihilation of larning encounters in the situation to show signs of improvement of the limitations of hapless instructors ( Studyingstyle.com, 2010 ) . Instructors are so convincing or speaking to the idea of estimation and guidance to understudies ‘ securing habits on the grounds that the cognizance of larning habits contrasts can help educators learn in a mode that effectually arrives at most students ( Oncourseworkshop.com, 1970 ) . Instructing by incorporating a grouping of dynamic larning plans can do learning all the more fulfilling and improve understudies ‘ thought process at a similar clasp. Despite the fact that teachers can approach larning habits from various subjects and encounters, a worry of the distinctive securing habits is cardinal to the single assaults of learning ( www.learningrx.com/learning-styles.htm ) . Notwithstanding, if an educator depends on solitary researchers ‘ best way, on the other hand of helping them build up the other larning habits they are feeble in will pass on disadvantages in their securing. At the point when researcher is urge to evade nations they are feeble in, the basic subjective achievements in that nation will remain frail and that researcher may lose the opportunity to the full build up a variety of procurement devices. Consequently, every researcher needs a solid establishment in the core psychological aptitudes no issue which larning way they favor ( www.learningrx.com/learning-styles.htm ) . Subjective constituents are the inward control of the arrangement of running the insight ( Kazu, 2009 ) . There are mental capacities required for since quite a while ago run capability in core themes, for example, creation, perusing and figuring. Psychological achievements can be improved through guidance. One of another chance disadvantage of using larning habits to control course is the difficulty of be aftering an exercise which joins each of the four procurement habits. Indeed, even it is n’t hard to remember both audile and visual procurement habits for an exercise, however the dismal truth is numerous understudies have the material and kinaesthetic obtaining way ( Kelly, 2013 ) . In this manner, it is non conceivable to influence all obtaining habits in an exercise. In the event that an educator attempts to using larning habits to guide heading however bungles exist between larning habits of most students in a class, the understudies may go negligent and exhausted in the classification. As the result, understudies perform sick in preliminaries, secure demoralize about the classs, the course of study and even themselves. Understudies may get down inquisitive in the event that they are in the correct calling. Most genuinely, society will loses conceivably top of the line experts ( Www4.ncsu.edu, 2002 ) . Moreover, teachers may see incorporating a variety of instructional sc
Colonial Latin America
1. Chasteen states that by the late nineteenth century Latin American nations intended to mirror England, France or the US, nations that compared Progress. What material or mechanical changes did Latin Americans appear to have related to the possibility of â€Å"progress†? Latin America chose to connect with progress having the option to send out their home developed goods.While England, France and the US, sent out modern hardware (since it was made in those nations) Latin America concluded they couldn't rival those nations in selling apparatus so they made their economies of selling domesticated animals and agrarian merchandise. 2. How does Progress identify with what we have found out about neocolonialism? Clarify. Neocolonialism and progress can relate on the grounds that the new nations that were comprised of what used to be Latin America started to develop monetarily once this time of â€Å"new colonies†took place.All these new nations began advancing in light of the fact that they constructed their own economies and legislative issues. 3. As indicated by Altamirano, what were the primary driver of the wantonness and backwardness of towns like Texcoco? Altamirano, clarifies that the fundamental driver of the towns Texcoco were expected different changes like the development and customs of the regular citizens. What's more, he additionally accuses the victory of the Spaniards. 4. In view of Ignacio Manuel Altamirano’s narrative about the railroad of Texcoco, what changes did railways seem to have brought to certain areas of Latin America?The rail lines seemed to have brought to certain districts of Latin America changes in the way that they ingrained soul and life. In Texcoco it reestablished a land that had been languishing over quite a while. It was reclamation for the Mexicans. 5. As indicated by Altamirano, the principal appearance of the Spanish in Texcoco brought teachers. What does he say that the second Spanish Mission to Texco co has brought and how do local people feel about it? The second Spanish crucial Texcoco brought good news of Science and nineteenth-century human progress. 6. As per Burns, what was the significance of land for Latin America’s economy and society?The land was of grave significance to Latin America’s society in light of the fact that their economy blossomed with the land to create cash. Latin America’s fundamental import was everything farming and homegrown. 7. The motto of Mexican progressive Emiliano Zapata was ‘Land and Liberty’. Clarify I'm not catching Zapata's meaning by these terms? Zapata is supporting the exchange of land to the landless. He accepts everybody ought to have the benefit of claiming land. 8. What did Zapata’s Plan of Ayala mean to achieve'? Zapata's Plan of Ayala was to recoup land claimed by hacendados or the oppressors at that point and return it to the residents of Mexico. 9.Focusing on Ramon Beteta’s remarks on agrarian change, clarify quickly what was the state of the Mexican workers during the mid twentieth century? Mexican laborers were dealt with similarly as awful as slaves. Mexicans were misused in the haciendas that were recently possessed by them. 10. What changes did the Agrarian Reform mean to present? The Agrarian Reform was to change the old arrangement of land holding. They had faith in land appropriation to be in: compensation, gift, and ampliation. 11. How is agrarian change identified with rural creation? The land is being returned now more yields will be reaped and farming will develop.
Friday, July 10, 2020
Get Some Help Writing an Essay
Get Some Help Writing an EssayHere are some samples of Clasification Essay. Although you can choose to just read through the sample, you may want to do some research in order to make sure that you have the right skills and knowledge to prepare your essay for college. There are also classes that offer tutorials that will help you write better essays. You can also look online to find some samples of Clasification Essay.While most people who take Clasification Essay are doing it for school, there are also students who do it as an English class assignment. Some students will study as an opportunity to show their critical writing skills. This is why many of them do not realize that they should spend some time before writing their essay to practice and revise their essay.You may want to take a class with a teacher who is willing to help you with your Clasification Essay. There are also free resources that you can use. Many online tutorials provide you with writing tips, where you can learn how to write your essay well. When you study in this way, you will notice that you can write good Clasification Essay because you will have a lot of experience working on essays.If you are still a little unsure about what you should write in your essay, you can write about something that you already know. You can use some of your experiences in the past to help you develop your essay. If you have been through a traumatic experience in your life, you can use this information to help you. You can write about how you dealt with the experience and write about how you made the most of the experience.Another place to find samples of Clasification Essay is your high school. They usually have forums where you can go and talk to other students. You can ask your teacher or someone else who knows you if they can give you some ideas.It may also be helpful to look online for extra support. There are also forums that can help you. You can find many people who are just like you, who can help you with Clasification Essay, so you don't have to worry about how to write your essay.If you want to take Clasification Essay seriously, you will need to study and practice for your essay. You can't just write it straight away. After you have completed your essay, you can look online for samples of Clasification Essay and you will see that you have learned a lot from doing your research.
Thursday, June 11, 2020
The Health Impacts of Food Insecurity within an Urban Environment - Free Essay Example
It completely disregards and invalidates the implementation of local markets (non-liquor stores and gas stations). A study was conducted in a low-income neighborhood in San Diego, California; which is known for providing access to â€Å"affordable, fresh, healthy and culturally appropriate foods†(Pascale et al, 1). This study focused on the ethnicity and cultural acceptability to comprehend social geographies. As a result of this study, almost 50% of the surveyed food stores are classified as ethnic markets. This particular group of stores consisted mostly of grocery, specialty, and convenience stores. The overlaying trend that can be found amongst of these stores is that they are small businesses, that generally cater to the regional demographic. â€Å"In fact, 80% of independent grocery stores in City Heights, are associated with a specific ethnic group. Unlike liquor stores or gas stations, which almost never have any obvious ethnic affiliation, these types of stores are more likely to offer fresh produce, meat, bread, dairy, and other food staples†(Pascale et al, 9). Ethnic markets/stores contribute greatly to the surrounding community by marketing to specific groups where products and/or food culture aren’t normalized within the United States (Asian markets, halal, etc.) (Pascale et al. 2017). Despite their vast contributions, these markets are often racialized, and the faà §ade of innutritious expensive food being sold inside a â€Å"hole-in-a-wall.†This false imagery leads to unintentional harm within ethnic food systems due to lack of understanding and consciousness of distinctive needs of heterogeneous communities and groups (Pascale et al. 2017). An example of this misunderstanding can be seen in through initiatives where racial and cultural implications aren’t considered and strictly follow the parameters set by the USDA. An example of such initiatives is Michelle Obama’s â€Å"Let’s Move†campaign against child obesity. The $400 million initiative’s proposed goal was to essentially bring quality food retailers to disadvantaged low-income areas (Holtzman 2010). â€Å"†¦proposed as part of the fiscal year 2011 budget, [it] aims to boost public health by eliminating urban and rural food deserts within 7 years†(Holtzman, 1). When analyzing these initiatives, one of the common factors that is often overlooked is affordability. Pascale et al defines affordability as the reasonable or lower pricing of fresh produce. Through the Pascale’s study, research noted that ethnic markets have tendency to be affordable for residential community, purchasing â€Å"fresh produce at a lower price than non-ethnic markets†(Pascale et al, 12). This occurs due to the higher percentage of smaller grocers (ethnic grocers) where a large array of produce is sold. Comparatively to non-ethnic stores (mostly convenience stores and gas stations) counterparts where the finite variety of products is typically priced higher than the national average (Pascale et al 2017). Two other neglected factors that Pascale mentions are cultural acceptability and accessibility. â€Å"[Cultural acceptability is] the [protection of] the rights of food insecure people, fosters sustainable livelihoods, addresses the cultural value of food practices, acknowledges situated knowledge of nutrition and health, and promotes food sovereignty and non-hierarchical food-related decision-making. In an urban setting where the majority of the population obtains food from retailers, ethnic markets are places that provide more than specific ingredients; they sustain immigrant livelihood, enable food of racial and ethnic identities through food practices†(Pascale et al, 13). Accessibility involves overall community (or individual) availability, attainability, mobility, and convenience. It examines the requirement of mobility and/or access to transportation for traveling to stores. â€Å"†¦walking access to transportation to travel to a store doesn’t guarantee availability of fresh, healthy, and affordable food†¦[and] its corporate structure, large size, low prices, and high diversity make it an atypical ethnic market and statistical outlier, it would bias the comparison between ethnic and non-ethnic markets†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Pascale et al, 13). Researcher, Christopher E. Plano analyzes this relationship between mobile/transit accessibility and employment access. He studies low-income communities within Baltimore, Maryland through the application of transportation analysis zones (TAZ). This highlights how mobile access (or lack thereof) contributes to the dilemma of food security within an urban setting. â€Å"Nationally, low-income individuals often live in areas with few employment opportunities8,9,10,11,12,13 and few supermarkets that provide healthy food.14,15,16 Because of limited income, these individuals cannot relocate to wealthier areas where these necessities are located17 or afford personal transportation18 to travel to these areas. As a result, they spend considerable time and money to access jobs and healthy food using public transit.†(Plano 2015, 2). Despite being debunked by endless research and study, the analytical paradigm of food accessibility still remains applicable where the â€Å"desert metaphor remains powerful and, as we have experienced in years of fieldwork in the community, is used extensively by local residents and community organizations to describe the neighborhood’s food environment and justify change†(Pascale et al, 15). As with most, like Fanny Carlet (2017) and James A. Montgomery et al. (2016), would opt for a solution to urban food insecurity through law and policy, government initiatives and the community involvement. â€Å"Community gardens can take on the role of neighborhood gathering spaces, often used for large formal events in addition to informal gatherings (Lawson 2004; Saldivar-Tanaka and Krasny 2004). Urban dwellers may participate in gardening as a means of creating safe outdoor spaces that would address both negative influences of vacant lots especially drug dealing and perception of personal safetyâ€â€and alleviate space constraints due to the small size of their living quarters (Garvin, Cannuscio, and Branas 2013; Schmelzkopf 1995).†(Carlet 2017, 10) However, others like Mari Gallagher argue that the issue can’t be solved only through the implication and development of quality grocers but also through the implication of education (Holtzman 2010). â€Å"Affordable wholesome food alone does not alter eating habits†as Holtzman states and argues that several overlying cultural factors play a key role. Gallagher and Holtzman both agree that â€Å"determining which locales have the greatest need for subsidies, as well as keeping politics from affecting the flow of money, will be challenging. It is important to make sure we’ve armed with neutral data that directs the flow of resources†(2010). Throughout my research, I’ve come across a lot of data regarding the nutritional impacts of food (fruit, vegetables, sugar, etc.), diet-related illness, price disparity among healthy and non-healthy food and food accessibility. I accessed the 2018 State indicator Report on Fruits and Vegetables provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services through the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention). This report analyzes and emphasizes different methods so as to potentially increase the purchase, supply and demand of fruits and vegetables across the United States of America. The overriding goal of this study is to improve the U.S. population’s access to fresh fruits and vegetables. This report states that the average American doesn’t meet the necessary daily intake of fruits and vegetables, despite the substantiate health benefits. The CDC proposes that this is due to lack of access and affordability. This is very significant to those of the U.S. po pulation that face several challenges such as food insecurity. There were several key findings that were highlighted in this report. This report highlighted that as of 2018, 10 states adopted policies on the food services guidelines. It emphasizes the importance of the selling and serving of healthy foods. â€Å"Food service guidelines increase access to healthy food options (e.g. fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains) in worksites, state agencies, parks and recreation centers and other institutional settings†(CDC, 3). Another key finding that was highlighted was that 47 U.S. states adopted policies that support farm-to-school and farm-to-ECE (Early Care and Education). This is proposed to increase the percentage of student access to locally grown produce such as school gardening, etc. it also encourages education of nutrition and agriculture. 32 states have already established food policy councils that support regional food systems and intend to increase access to nutritional food. According to the CDC only 12.2% of adults meet proper fruit intake and only 9.3% of adults meet proper vegetable intake. The statistics for food consumption amongst youth are just as bad. An average of 9% of adolescent children meet the standard fruit intake and only 2% meet the vegetable intake. Overall multiple studies and research have shown that food is linked to health. Throughout human history, food has been used for not only fundamental nourishment and necessity but has also played a significant role in medicine. The overlying rule states that poor diet quality contributes negative health impacts such as illness and obesity. Essentially, as anthropologist Ludwig Fuerbach plainly states â€Å"man is what he eats.†This report classifies these statistics into three main categories: improving fruit and vegetable access for individuals and families; improving fruit and vegetable access for children; food system support for fruit and vegetables. According to these indicators, there are an average of 27 farmer’s markets per 100,000 residents. In addition to the establishment of the 2014 State Policy on Food Service Guidelines, about 47% of school districts participate in farm-to-school programs. According 2018 data, there are about 234 local food policies in place and about 212 food hubs nationally. I additionally analyzed data from the food desert locator provided by the USDA’s Economic Research Service. This data was initially released and finalized in the early 2011. However, this data is updated regularly and was last updated in 2017. This data provides population statistics for census tracts that meet the USDA’s current definition of â€Å"food desert.†Even though this data is up to date, it however neglects to some areas where that loosely fits the qualification for food desert according to the USDA. This report provides data for the following: State (State) County name (CountyName) Census urbanized area tract (URBAN) Total population (TOTALPOP) Percentage of population with low-access to supermarket or large grocery store (PERCENT_LOWA_Pop) Number of people with low-access to supermarket or large grocery store (LOWA_POP) Percentage of total population that is low-income with low-access (PERCENT_LOWI) Number of low-income people with low-access (LOWI) Percentage of housing units without a vehicle with low-access (PERCENT_HUNV) Number of housing units without a vehicle with low-access (HUNV) Percentage of children age 0-17 with low-access (PERCENT_KIDS) Number of children age 0-17 with low-access (KIDS) Percentage of people age 65+ with low-access (PERCENT_SENIORS) About 58.5% of the U.S population has low-access to supermarkets and/or large grocery stores. About 13.7% of that population is low-income. About 281,709 people with low-income have low-access, and about 23% hold residency but don’t have access to a vehicle. About 15.6% of children between the ages of 0-17 have low-access to supermarkets. About 7.6% of elderly (age 65+) have low-access to supermarkets. Food plays a very significant role in the livliehood of all living being. Just as deer rely on vegetation for food or birds on fruit/berries and insects, humans are dependent on the sustainability of food. Just as very living creature, human acquire their sustenance from the earth and the nutrients it bears. Logically one could understand the importance of food and how it might impact one’s health, particularly when there is a significant lack of access. As the USDA characterizes food deserts as residential areas where there is a lack of access to supermarkets and grocery stores. However, this negates the how in the low-income communities where there are supermarkets, but they don’t supply nutritional fresh food. A significant amount of research and study displays the correlation between that are categorized as food deserts and the rise of obesity and food-related health risk. These studies not only highlight the monetization of food and how it along with several overl aying factors (socioeconomic status, etc.) impact the overall health of community. WORKS CITED Carlet, Fanny, et al. â€Å"Greening U.S. Legacy Cities: Urban Agriculture as a Strategy for Reclaiming Vacant Land.†Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, vol. 41, no. 8, 2017, pp. 887–906., doi:10.1080/21683565.2017.1311288. â€Å"Food Culture Helps Understand Life, Society and History.†Untitled Document, Lingnan University, 2018, www.ln.edu.hk/lingnan-touch/61/food-culture-helps-understand-life-society-and-history. Holzman, David C. â€Å"Diet and Nutrition: White House Proposes Healthy Food Financing Initiative.†Environmental Health Perspectives, vol. 118, no. 4, 2010, doi:10.1289/ehp.118-a156. Joassart-Marcelli, Pascale, et al. â€Å"Ethnic Markets and Community Food Security in an Urban ‘Food Desert.’†Environment and Planning A, vol. 49, no. 7, 2017, pp. 1642–1663., doi:10.1177/030851817700394. Meenar, Mahbubur R. â€Å"Using Participatory and Mixed-Methods Approaches in GIS to Develop a Place-Based Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Index.†Environment and Planning A, vol. 49, no. 5, 2017, pp. 1181–1205., doi:10.1177/030851816686352. Montgomery, James A., et al. â€Å"Soil Quality Assessment Is a Necessary First Step for Designing Urban Green Infrastructure.†Journal of Environment Quality, vol. 45, no. 1, 2016, p. 18., doi:10.2134/jeq2015.04.0192. Plano, Christopher E., et al. â€Å"Considering Public Transit: New Insights into Job and Healthy Food Access for Low-Income Residents in Baltimore, Maryland.†Environmental Justice, vol. 8, no. 3, 2015, pp. 65–71., doi:10.1089/env.2015.0003. 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